Colombian prosecutors plan to file charges against former justice minister Alberto Santofimio Botero in connection with the 1989 assassination of Liberal party presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galan , the attorney general's office announced Wednesday. Santofimio will...
Saddam Hussein on Thursday denounced US denials of his claims that he has been tortured while held by US forces and argued that the US had also lied about Iraq's possession of weapons of...
A lawyer for Tariq Aziz , Iraq's deputy prime minister during Saddam Hussein's regime, said Wednesday that US troops are protecting "high-value" former Iraqi officials released from custody earlier this week. Badee Izzat Aref said that...
Afghan journalist Ali Mohaqiq Nasab, the editor of the magazine Hoqooq-i-Zan, (translated as Women's Rights) who was convicted of blasphemy for publishing anti-Islamic articles, has been freed from jail , a senior Afghan judge said...
Russia's Duma , the lower house of parliament, approved on Wednesday a much-criticized bill restricting NGO activity by 376-10 on its second reading. The bill would create a government agency with broad power to monitor and...
The US Senate on Wednesday approved a defense policy bill banning the cruel and inhumane treatment of detainees in US custody but also limiting the ability of Guantanamo Bay prisoners to challenge their...
An Act to amend the USA PATRIOT ACT to extend the sunset of certain provisions of that Act and the lone wolf provision of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 to July 1, 2006, passed by the...
American Civil Liberties Union v. Mercer County Kentucky, United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, December 20, 2005 [upholding a lower-court decision allowing Mercer County to continue displaying the Ten Commandments along with the Declaration of Independence, the...
Wire services are reporting that after intensive negotiations lasting several days US senators late Wednesday agreed to extend the Patriot Act for six months. The White House and the Senate Republican leadership had previously...
Courts in Uzbekistan Wednesday convicted an additional 42 people and handed down prison sentences of 12-20 years in connection with the May 2005 Andijan uprising . It was reported that the defendants were convicted on...