Serious law. Primary sources. Global perspective
Henk Monster, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The International Labour Organisation (ILO)  released a new working paper on Friday, finding that people with disabilities are less likely to participate in the labor market. The paper also highlights that people with disabilities tend to earn less than their non-disabled counterparts. The paper reveals that individuals with disabilities face significant barriers to workforce participation. [...]

Khalid Mahmood, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Friday restored amendments to the anti-graft laws, which were previously struck down in its judgment delivered on September 15, 2023. The reversal came followed an appeal by the federal government of Pakistan against the earlier judgment. The Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled in favor of the appeals, overturning the prior [...]


The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Thursday that Georgia and Azerbaijan violated the rights of Azerbaijani journalist Afghan Mukhtarli, specifically his right to an effective investigation and his right to private life. The case involved Mukhtarli’s alleged abduction, ill-treatment and unlawful transfer of the Azerbaijani journalist from Georgia to Azerbaijan. Mukhtarli claimed he [...]

geralt / Pixabay

New York Judge Juan Merchan on Friday delayed former US president Donald Trump’s sentencing in his hush money criminal case to November 26, with the new date scheduled three weeks after the US presidential election. Trump’s attorneys requested the postponement in August to prepare a potential appeal and avoid a “politically prejudicial” effect on the [...]

Hermann / Pixabay

Hungary on Friday confirmed its intention to send migrants to Brussels in protest of European Union (EU) rules on accepting asylum seekers. Rétvári Bence, Hungary’s deputy minister of interior, held a press conference flanked by buses to affirm the country’s plan to provide free fare for migrants on the bus route to the EU’s capital. [...]

JancickaL / Pixabay

The US and Guatemala governments announced on Thursday that Nicaragua has released 135 political prisoners on humanitarian grounds after months of negotiations between the US and Nicaragua. The US also facilitated the voluntary transfer of political prisoners from Nicaragua to Guatemala. In a joint statement, the US and Guatemala clarified that the released political prisoners [...]

Pexels / Pixabay

The British government announced Wednesday it will pass legislation to control 16 drugs that were not previously regulated. Among the soon-to-be-regulated substances was xylazine, a controversial veterinary medication known as a “zombie drug,” which causes exhaustion and skin lesions that resist healing. Caroline Copeland, the director of the National Programme on Substance Use Morality and [...]

sik-life / Pixabay

A US federal appeals court on Wednesday held the Internet Archive’s Free Digital Library infringes upon publishers’ copyright protections. The appeal decision affirms a lower court ruling in a 2023 lawsuit initiated by US publishers which argued that the Internet Archive (IA), a nonprofit organization, engaged in copyright infringement by scanning purchased or donated physical [...]


The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) described a continuing “climate of fear” in Venezuela on Tuesday after the issuing of an arrest warrant for the opposition’s presidential candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez. The office reiterated deep concerns over the situation in Venezuela, where controversy over the declaration of Nicolas Maduro’s victory [...]