Human dignity denied: Torture and accountability in the 'war on terror', Amnesty International, October 27, 2004 . Excerpt:The struggle against torture...
Prye v. Blunt, United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Judge Otrie D. Smith, October 26, 2004 . Excerpt:Missouri is denying Prye the...
Assemblyman Reed Gusciora et. al. v. McGreevey et al., Superior Court of New Jersey, Judge Linda Feinberg, October 26, 2004 [ruling that the state's voters will be able to cast their ballots in next Tuesday's election using electronic voting machines,...
Diaz v. Hood, United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Judge James L. King, October 26, 2004 [ruling that county election supervisors had acted legally in denying voter applications that were incomplete at the Oct. 4 registration...
Sandusky County Democratic Party et al. v. J. Kenneth Blackwell, Per Curiam, October 26 [holding that Ohio voters who use provisional ballots must cast those ballots in their own precincts, overruling a contrary lower-court decision that would have counted them...
O'Kelley et al. v. Cox, Georgia Supreme Court, October 26, 2004 [ruling that the courts could not intervene in the referendum process and that the parties challenging the inclusion of the proposed amendment banning same-sex marriage on the November 2...
Draft legal opinion for White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales on the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War to detainees held by the US in occupied Iraq [concluding that it...
Crime in the United States, 2003; US Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, October 27, 2004 [finding that violent crime, consisting of murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, was down 3 percent in volume from 2002...
Wexler et al. v. LaPore et al., United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Judge James I. Cohn, October 25, 2004 [ruling that Florida does not have to create a paper record in the case of recounts...
Botts v. The State, Georgia Supreme Court, October 25, 2004 . Excerpt:We recognize that persons of ordinary intelligence may understand the dictionary definition of the words "bias" and "prejudice." However, because...