Thousands of Russians, many of them pensioners, marched in several major cities Saturday continuing four days week of protests against the Putin government's repeal of a Soviet-era social benefits law and its replacement by a program of minimal monthly...
A military jury at Fort Hood, Texas, has sentenced Army Spc. Charles Graner Jr. to 10 years in prison for abuses committed at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad. Earlier Saturday Graner took...
Forty-six members of the Palestinian election commission resigned en masse Saturday, claiming that they had been improperly pressured to change procedures in the midst of the January 9th presidential vote. Senior commission officials claimed that campaign and...
Following up on a JURIST report from Thursday, Iranian Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi said Saturday she won't respond to a court summons from an Iranian Revolutionary Court in spite of the...
Due to security concerns surrounding the upcoming January 30 elections, authorities in Iraq have agreed to let voters register and cast ballots on the same day in the troubled provinces of Anbar and Ninawa . The...
Federal Communications Commission chairman Michael Powell ordered an investigation Friday into whether political commentator Armstrong Williams improperly failed to disclose that he was paid by the Bush administration to support the...
Transcript of a conversation between Justices Scalia and Breyer on foreign law in American constitutional adjudication, Washington College of Law, American University, January 13, 2005. Read the full text of the transcript here....
In a unanimous ruling Friday, the Virginia Supreme Court struck down a state law prohibiting consensual sex between unmarried people. Read the opinion . The justices based their decision on Lawrence v. Texas , the 2003 US...
Following up a JURIST report from earlier today, US Central Command has now announced that Staff Sgt. Jonathan J. Alban-Cardenas has been convicted of one count of murder and one count of conspiracy to commit murder...
Army Spc. Charles Graner was found guilty late Friday afternoon of conspiracy, assault, maltreating prisoners, dereliction of duty and committing indecent acts, all charges that arose out of the Abu Ghraib abuse scandal. The military jury in Graner's court-martial...