The UN Security Council declared Tuesday that the recent incursion of Rwandan troops into territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo was a violation of international law, according to a statement read by Council President Abdallah Baali of Algeria....
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, US House and Senate conference report version, approved by the House December 7, 2004. Read the full text of the legislation here . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here....
BBC News is reporting that the Ukrainian parliament has passed reform measures to eliminate fraud from the re-run of the presidential vote later this month, and to weaken the president's powers.9:15 AM ET - More details are now available...
Log of (and links to) records obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union from the US Defense Department and other government agencies pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request for documents concerning the treatment and interrogation of detainees in...
The Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic, Decision on assigned counsel's motion for withdrawal, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, December 7, 2004 [ruling that although Milosevic has been allowed to resume the conduct of his own defense, counsel were still...
Kansas v. Colorado, United States Supreme Court, December 7, 2004, majority opinion by Justice Breyer . Read the...
The US House of Representatives has passed the revised conference report version of an intelligence reform bill based on recommendations from the 9/11 Commission.7:57 PM ET - S. 2845, variously called the National Intelligence Reform Act or (according to...
Documents released Tuesday by the ACLU pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act proceeding say that Defense Intelligence Agency personnel in Iraq who witnessed abuses of prisoners by a US Special Forces team were threatened to prevent them reporting...
A long-awaited reported to Congress by the US Defense Department Inspector General has concluded that "leadership failures" by multiple Air Force secretaries, military chiefs of staff, legal officers and superintendents of the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs resulted...
The US military's Combatant Status Review Tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has decided to retain custody of 33 more detainees as properly-designated "enemy combatants", according to a military spokesman speaking Tuesday. Thusfar panels of the Tribunal have considered at...