KGW-TV is reporting that the Washington state Supreme Court has rejected a bid by state Democrats (read the complaint here ) to include previously rejected absentee and provisional ballots in the hand recount of votes in the WA state...
The US Military Combatant Status Review Tribunal has said that 13 more detainees at Guantanamo Bay are properly being held as "enemy combatants." The US government has taken the position that prisoners classified as enemy combatants are not entitled...
Tyco International said Tuesday that the Securities and Exchange Commission has ordered the company to turn over information on its involvement in the UN Oil-for Food program in Iraq. Tyco said the SEC wants information on its participation, "if...
The French Council of State, France's highest civil court, has banned the broadcast of Lebanese satellite channel Al-Manar due to the Hezbollah-linked station's airing of militant and anti-Semitic statements. French broadcast regulator CSA granted Al-Manar a license in November...
Former Bosnian Croat soldier Miroslav Bralo pleaded not guilty Tuesday to war crimes charges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at The Hague. Bralo faces nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions and 12...
The US Justice Department has asked a judge to enter a $2.53 billion judgment against Adelphia Communications founder John Rigas and his son Timothy Rigas, also Adelphia's former CFO, according to a report in Tuesday's Wall Street...
The American Civil Liberties Union will file a federal suit Tuesday against a Pennsylvania school district for requiring that ninth-grade biology students be instructed in "intelligent design" as an alternative to the theory of evolution. "Intelligent design" suggests that...
A panel of High Court judges in London Tuesday allowed an appeal by the fanily of an Iraqi man against the UK government's refusal to allow a judicial inquiry into his alleged killing by British troops. Lawyers for Baha...
A Chilean appeals court Monday temporarily suspended Judge Juan Guzman's house arrest order for 89-year old General Ausgusto Pinochet just hours after Guzman had made it in connection with his indictment of the former Chilean president on human rights...
AP is reporting that trials of the "symbols of Iraq's regime" will begin next week, according to Iraq interim prime minister Iyad Allawi. Iraq Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari said Monday while on a visit to the Vatican that Saddam...