US Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Patrick Kennedy told a Senate committee Tuesday that US officials knew of problems in the Iraq Oil-for-Food Program but chose to remain silent. Kennedy said the officials were...
New rules on passenger rights taking effect Thursday in the European Union will require airlines to compensate travellers for cancellations, delays, and denial of seats, even when the cause is an event normally considered outside the control...
The Court of Appeal in London Wednesday rejected a legal challenge from the pro-hunting Countryside Alliance arguing that the Hunting Act 2004 was invalid because the Parliament Act 1949 used to force it through the House of...
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, entered into force February 16, 2005. Read the full text of the Protocol . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here....
Togolese Army General Seyi Memene has agreed to "return the country to constitutional order" following talks held Tuesday between Togo and ECOWAS representatives. Nigerian Foreign Minister Aichatou Mindaoudou said the talks...
In a speech delivered to the National Press Club Tuesday, Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson accused the federal judiciary of usurping legislative and executive power, called for the Senate leadership to force votes on...
US officials have announced that six more Guantanamo Bay detainees will be released after military Combatant Status Review Tribunals determined that they are not "enemy combatants". The review panels, set up in response...
The Kyoto Protocol takes legal effect Wednesday, 90 days after Russia ratified the treaty , providing the necessary number of ratifications for the treaty to come into force. Before becoming effective, the protocol,...
Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Wednesday, Feb. 16.The US Senate convenes at 9:30 AM ET today, and it will consider S. 384, the Nazi War Crimes Working...
In re: Grand Jury Subpoena, Judith Miller, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Circuit Judge Sentelle, February 15, 2005 [upholding a prior contempt ruling against two reporters who refused to disclose their sources to investigators...