Many Iraqis watched intently Wednesday as the trial of Saddam Hussein opened, but the proceeding drew mixed reviews in Iraq and abroad. Shiite and Kurdish Iraqis welcomed the start of the trial, with many watching on...
The Association of American Publishers (AAP) announced Wednesday that it has filed a lawsuit against Google for allegedly infringing copyrights as part of Google's Print Library Project . The complaint seeks a declaration...
The administration of Missouri Governor Matt Blunt will continue its legal defense of a state law prohibiting inmates from obtaining abortions unless a woman's life or health is endangered, despite the US Supreme Court's recent decision...
Attorneys representing undocumented immigrants who have been victims of violent crimes filed a federal suit against the US Department of Homeland Security Tuesday for the agency's failure to issue U-visas. The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection...
According to congressional aides, confirmation hearings for US Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee are set to begin on November 7. The aides have said that committee chairman...
The United Nations is not taking proper measures to end sexual abuse during peacekeeping missions, according to an independent review report released Tuesday. The report, filed by Refugees International, concludes ...
An attorney for Jim Ellis, head of Americans for a Republican Majority and an associate of former House majority leader Tom DeLay , said in court documents Tuesday that all charges against Ellis are a result of government...
Former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori on Tuesday was cleared of corruption in a 1994 arms purchase case, a week after he was barred from running in Peru's 2006 presidential election by the country's...
Two Iraqi Kurds now living in the US, Hassen Ali Abdullah and Khalida Ali, have sued Saddam Hussein in US federal court, seeking compensation for Kurdish victims of genocidal attacks in 1980s Iraq. The class action...
Lord Steyn, a recently retired UK senior judge, has said that the UK government had to scrape the bottom of the legal barrel in order to justify its invasion of Iraq. Lord Steyn also agreed with the conclusion of...