Syrian President Bashar Assad on Saturday formed a special judicial committee to conduct a state investigation into Syrian involvement in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri . The committee will be led...
Australian state and territorial leaders were given a new draft of a proposed federal anti-terrorism bill Friday and are meeting this weekend to discuss it. The previous draft drew heavy criticism from ACT Chief Minister Jon...
The New Orleans Police Department fired 45 police officers and 6 other employees Friday after investigators concluded they had improperly abandoned their duties during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina without giving 14 days notice as required...
Former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy pleaded not guilty Friday to corruption charges after a federal grand jury indicted him Wednesday. Scrushy claims that though he has no evidence to provide the court, federal prosecutors are...
Democrats on the US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Investigations claimed in a minority staff report on the UN Oil-for-Food scandal released Friday that the US Treasury Department failed to respond to UN...
A lawyer for former Cheney chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby , who resigned Friday after a grand jury indictment , has outlined a possible defense for his client's alleged false statements before a grand...
In a statement released Friday, the US State Department announced that it has extended an invitation to Guantanamo Bay prison to three UN human rights rapporteurs. State Department officials say "the invitation was extended in...
Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein accepted a last minute offer of exile from Arab leaders in 2003 just before the US-led invasion of Iraq, according to an Al Arabiya television documentary. According to the report, the deal...
Portugal's constitutional court has blocked a national referendum designed to relax the country's abortion laws. Prime Minister Jose Socrates and the ruling Socialist party had intended to hold the referendum on November 27...
The Alaska Supreme Court issued an opinion Friday ending the state practice of denying benefits to same-sex partners of public employees. While the high court determined that the policy violated the equal protection clause of the Alaska...