Mélanie Cantin is a JURIST Staff Correspondent in Ottawa, and a 1L at the University of Ottawa. A bill to codify abortion rights was defeated Wednesday in the United States Senate. This rushed, desperate attempt came in the aftermath of a draft US Supreme Court decision leaked earlier this month that would overturn the seminal [...]
Mélanie Cantin is a JURIST Staff Correspondent in Ottawa, and a 1L at the University of Ottawa. On Friday, protesters descended on the Canadian capital once more to make known their displeasure about COVID-19 mandates, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, vaccines, and much more. I made my way to Parliament Hill Friday evening to witness the [...]
Ian Profiri is JURIST’s Chief Correspondent for Canada. He files this dispatch from Calgary. Bill C-18, “An Act respecting online communications platforms that make news content available to persons in Canada” (Online News Act), passed introductory first reading in the Canadian House of Commons last Tuesday amid early controversy. The stated purpose of the Act [...]
Mélanie Cantin is a JURIST Staff Correspondent in Ottawa, and a 1L at the Unversity of Ottawa. Indigenous delegations from Canada began their meetings with Pope Francis in the Vatican Monday. The groups of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people are seeking an apology from the Catholic Church for its involvement in the Canadian residential school system. [...]
Mélanie Cantin is a JURIST Staff Correspondent in Ottawa, and a 1L at the Unversity of Ottawa. The Canadian program aiming to respond to the expected influx of people fleeing Ukraine is now officially live on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website. A news release has details and clarifications about the previously announced [...]
Mélanie Cantin is a JURIST Staff Correspondent in Ottawa, and a 1L at the Unversity of Ottawa. Unbeknownst to many now that the Freedom Convoy has been cleared out of Ottawa, similar protests are still happening across Canada. On February 21st, right around the end of the Ottawa occupation, a private Facebook group was created, [...]
Law students from the University of Ottawa are filing dispatches for JURIST in the aftermath of the “Freedom Convoy” protests that paralyzed Canada’s capital for some three weeks and disrupted trade and cross-border traffic across the country. Here, 2L Brad Henderson reports. Last weekend, law enforcement agencies, supported by new federal emergency rules, finally ended the [...]
Law students from the University of Ottawa are filing dispatches for JURIST in the aftermath of the “Freedom Convoy” protests that paralyzed Canada’s capital for some three weeks and disrupted trade and cross-border traffic across the country. Here, 1L Mélanie Cantin reports. After passing by a comfortable margin of 34 votes in the House of Commons [...]
Law students from the University of Ottawa are filing dispatches for JURIST on the “Freedom Convoy” protest in Canada’s capital that paralyzed the city for some three weeks. Here, 1L Mélanie Cantin reports. For residents and frequenters of downtown Ottawa, the Freedom Convoy’s departure is welcome news after a fourth straight weekend of protests. The [...]
Law students from the University of Ottawa are filing dispatches for JURIST on the “Freedom Convoy” protest in Canada’s capital that has paralyzed the city for some three weeks. Here, 3L Andrew Warkentin reports. I could sense that there was something odd in the air from the moment I woke up this morning. Living just off [...]