Photo Credit: Stephanie Sundier

US President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that his administration would be suspending all evictions and foreclosures through the end of April to ease people’s concerns during the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, he activated the Defense Production Act, which was established in the 1950s and used during wartime. It allows the president to force American businesses [...]

© WikiMedia (JukoFF)

Guyana’s Chief Justice Roxanne George on Sunday upheld an injunction that prevents the election commission (GECOM) from declaring a winner in the 2020 presidential elections. The injunction was requested by the People’s Progressive Party, as the votes from region 4 have yet to be counted. George’s ruling states that the court is allowed to intervene [...]

MariaLR / Pixabay

Women across Mexico walked out Monday in protest of the government’s lack of action regarding femicide. In Mexico there has been an increase in violence against women in the past year, including the killing of seven-year-old Fátima Cecilia Aldrighett and the brutal murder of Ingrid Escamilla. Last month the Chamber of Deputies approved harsher sentencing [...]


US President Donald Trump tweeted Thursday that his administration would begin to withhold funding from so-called sanctuary cities. This statement comes after a federal appeals court ruled last week that the Department of Justice can withhold funds from jurisdictions that refuse to comply with certain federal immigration conditions. The court found sufficient evidence that there [...]

Steve Petteway, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Chief Justice John Roberts released a statement Wednesday denouncing Senator Chuck Schumer’s comments made during a rally in front of the Supreme Court on Tuesday. The rally was an abortion rights rally coinciding with the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments in June Medical Services v. Russo. Schumer called out Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, [...]

© WikiMedia (Debra Sweet)

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in June Medical Services v. Russo over a Louisiana abortion law adopted in 2014 that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. June Medical Services claims the law places an undue burden on women seeking abortions and is similar to a Texas law that [...]

© WikiMedia (Americasroof)

Donald J Trump for President, Inc. filed suit against the New York Times for libel Wednesday. The suit is in response to an article published by the Times titled “The Real Trump-Russia Quid Pro Quo” by Max Frankle. According to the complaint, the article claims that there was an “overreaching deal between the Putin Oligarchy [...]


The US Department of Justice announced a new section of the Office of Immigration Litigation Wednesday to focus on denaturalization cases. The goal of the office is to denaturalize people who get their citizenship through illegal means. They will focus on terrorists, sex offenders, war criminals, and “other fraudsters.” Assistant Attorney General Jody Hunt said, [...]


On Tuesday the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in United States v. Sineneng-Smith. The Court granted certiorari last October. Evelyn Sineneng-Smith challenged a law that criminalizes encouraging or aiding in illegal immigration. She was convicted of bringing persons to the US illegally through fraudulent use of the “Labor Certification” program which expired in 2001. The [...]