© WikiMedia (Ted Eytan)

The Florida Senate committee Thursday passed Senate Bill 1674, which mandates the use of washrooms associated with an individual’s sex assigned at birth. The “Safety in Private Spaces Act” is one of the latest measures that advocates say are meant to discriminate against the LGBTQ community. The act poses a penalty of up to 60 [...]

© WikiMedia (Markus Bernet)

The Dutch government said Saturday that around 10 Russian diplomats will have to leave the Netherlands due to their repeated attempts to employ intelligence officers in diplomatic missions. The Netherlands is accusing Moscow of using diplomatic cover for espionage. Additionally, the Dutch cabinet will also close its consulate general in St. Petersburg, foreign minister Wopke Hoekstra [...]

©Wikimedia (Wing)

The Kenyan Supreme Court ruled Friday that married couples are not automatically entitled to equal shares of matrimonial property in case of divorce. This precedential ruling stated that upon divorce each partner should exit their marriage with the wealth each of them acquired individually. The case before the court concerned a decade-long legal battle between [...]


The UN reported Monday that at least 18,483 civilians have died or suffered injury in Ukraine since Russia’s invasion of the country in February 2022. The UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR) said that 7,068 civilians died and 11,415 civilians were hurt as a result of the war. This figure includes [...]

Provided to JURIST

At least 17 people were killed Monday during anti-government protests in Peru, according to the Peruvian Ombudsman’s Office. The protests began in early December 2022 following the removal and arrest of former president Pedro Castillo, who is currently serving 18 months of pre-trial detention on rebellion charges after he attempted to dissolve Congress illegally. The [...]

© WikiMedia (ICE)

Mexican armed forces Thursday captured Ovidio Guzman, son of Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman in an overnight raid. Military aircraft transported Guzman back to Mexico after he was captured at Cualiacan. Joaquin Guzman was convicted of money laundering, drug trafficking and murder conspiracies and is currently serving a life sentence in a US [...]


German police Sunday detained a 32-year-old man on the suspicion that he planned a serious chemical attack motivated by Islamic extremism. The man allegedly obtained the potent toxins cyanide and ricin. He and another person were arrested and detained in the town of Castrop-Rauxel, northwest of Dortmund. The police allegedly received a tip from an [...]