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US President Donald Trump on Thursday posthumously pardoned Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion, who was convicted under the Mann Act in 1913 for transporting a white woman across state lines and served 10 months in federal prison. Trump said Johnson “overcame difficult circumstances to reach the heights of the boxing world and inspired [...]

© WikiMedia (U.S. Navy photo by Chris Carson)

The National Fair Housing Alliance and other fair housing groups filed suit Tuesday against the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and HUD Secretary Ben Carson in the US District Court for the District of Columbia. In January HUD suspended the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act (AFFH) without any notice-and-comment procedure. The AFFH [...]


The state of Kentucky on Wednesday sued several opioid manufacturers alleging that they "trivialized, mischaracterized, and failed to disclose" the "serious risk of addiction" inherent in the use of the high strength pain killers. The state claims that...