12019 / Pixabay

US President Biden on Wednesday pardoned American veterans who were forced out of the military because of their sexual orientation or gender identity under a military code for more than 60 years. Biden’s proclamation grants direct clemency to people who had been given court marshal convictions between 1951 and 2013 because of their status in [...]


Malaysia’s Federal Court on Wednesday dismissed the Malaysian Bar’s bid to appeal a government emergency proclamation over fake news amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The bar raised 27 constitutional questions concerning the validity of the law. Still, the court ruled that the bar did not fulfill the threshold requirement under Section 96 of the Courts of [...]

© WikiMedia (Usman.pg)

Pakistan’s Supreme Court issued contempt notices to 34 TV channels on Wednesday for airing alleged anti-judiciary press conferences of two politicians last month.  Senator Faisal Vawda, an independent candidate, and Mustafa Kamal, a Muttahida Qaumi Movement lawmaker, were charged with contempt and disrespect of the court when holding separate press conferences and allegedly making critical [...]


The US Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to hear San Francisco’s dispute against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over permitting wastewater disposal into the Pacific Ocean under the Clean Water Act (CWA). The issue in the case City and County of San Francisco v. Environmental Protection Agency centers on whether the Clean Water Act allows [...]

Image by Marek from Pixabay

Thailand’s National Museum hosted a welcome-home ceremony on Tuesday for two ancient statues illegally trafficked from Thailand by a British antiquities collector and returned from the collection of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met). The 129-centimeter statue called the “Golden Boy” was long thought to be a Hindu statue of Shiva. However, archaeologist Tanongsak [...]

iclifford, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The US Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal by a Canadian-born former Guantanamo Bay detainee who was seeking to wipe away his war crimes convictions, including one for the killing of a US soldier in Afghanistan. Omar Khadr waived his right to appeal in 2010 when he pleaded guilty to murder charges. Despite a [...]

pixel2013 / Pixabay

The White House announced the second phase of its reformed environmental review process on Tuesday. Environmental and sustainable energy policy experts say the changes will speed up approval of power transmission for wind and solar farms and semiconductor manufacturing. The reforms are part of the second and final phase of adjustments to the National Environmental [...]


Five Israeli military units have committed gross human rights violations, according to the US State Department on Monday. Despite these findings, all of the units currently remain eligible for US military aid. According to the US and Israel, four units have effectively remediated the violations, but discussions continue regarding the remaining Israel Defense Forces (IDF) [...]

© JURIST / Jaclyn Belczyk

A federal judge in North Carolina found on Monday that the state’s 147-year-old voting law is unconstitutional. US District Judge Loretta Biggs found that the since-amended state law, which prevented convicted felons from casting a vote, violates the Equal Protection Clause and the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. The [...]

© WikiMedia (Tyrone Madera)

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Monday on whether enforcing public camping ordinances against unhoused people without adequate shelter is cruel and unusual punishment and, therefore, prohibited by the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution. The case, Grants Pass v. Johnson, originated in southern Oregon. The central question before the court revolves around the [...]