© WikiMedia (Luismt94)

Judge Richard Leon of the US District Court for the District of Columbia ruled Tuesday that AT&T could go through with its multi-billion dollar acquisition of Time Warner. The Department of Justice (DOJ) had brought suit in November arguing the merger would violate section 7 of the Clayton Act. The DOJ claimed that the acquisition [...]

© WikiMedia (https://www.flickr.com/photos/cbpphotos/41376425414/in/album-72157696159089674/)

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a decision Monday calling for immigration judges to adopt a narrower interpretation of “membership in a particular social group” when deciding whether to grant asylum to undocumented immigrants. This interpretation would deny most asylum seekers who are victims of domestic abuse and gang violence. The Immigration and Nationality Act [...]

© WikiMedia (Rene Gomez Renegomezphotography.com)

The Trump administration said Thursday that it will not defend portions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in a challenge by 20 states. The administration filed a response Thursday to the complaint along with a letter from Attorney General Jeff Sessions agreeing with the plaintiffs and calling for a declaratory judgment by the court to [...]

© WikiMedia (Mashroof)

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein condemned the government of Bangladesh on Wednesday for the killing of suspected drug offenders by security forces in the country. The High Commissioner responded to reports that 130 individuals had been killed in three weeks and thousands arrested after the government proclaimed a zero-tolerance policy [...]

© WikiMedia (Alvin Pingol)

Following a trial in the US District Court for the Northern District of California , a jury returned a verdict on Thursday ordering Samsung to pay Apple approximately $539 million for infringing on Apple’s smartphone patents. The jury awarded Apple $533,316,606 for design patent infringements and $5,325,050 for utility patent infringements. The verdict comes in [...]

© WikiMedia (US Federal Judiciary)

The state of Alabama and US Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL) filed a lawsuit against the US Department of Commerce and the US Census Bureau on Monday over its inclusion of undocumented immigrants in the 2020 census. Alabama’s complaint, filed in the US District Court for the Northern District of Alabama , surrounds the 2020 Census [...]

© WikiMedia (tedeytan)

Judge Arenda Wright Allen ruled in favor of transgender teen Gavin Grimm Monday, denying the Gloucester County School Board’s motion to dismiss a challenge to the school board’s bathroom policy. The school board had prohibited Grimm from using the boys’ restrooms on the justification that his biological gender was female. Grimm brought a Title IX [...]

© WikiMedia (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam neither signed nor vetoed Tennessee House Bill 2315 on Monday, allowing the measure banning so-called “sanctuary cities” to become law. In an interview , the governor discussed the need of the state to move on from this decision and that “at this point in time, this is the best thing for [...]

© WikiMedia ( Andrew Dunn)

Environmental groups filed suit against Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Scott Pruitt on Wednesday after he halted the rulemaking process for a regulation that would would required mining companies to show that they have enough funding prior to commencing operations to cover the cleanup of harmful substances produced from mining. The suit was brought by [...]

© WikiMedia (Frank Schulenburg)

An Egyptian high court acquitted two police officers on Sunday who were accused of torturing and killing a prominent lawyer, Karim Hamdi, while he was in custody. Hamdi was arrested on suspicion of being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group recognized as a terrorist organization in Egypt. In recent years, the Egyptian government [...]