Staff Sgt. Donna Davis, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Montenegro’s Special State Prosecutor’s Office ordered an investigation into former special chief prosecutor of for war crimes against Croatian civilians in the Cavat area in 1992 and during the break up former Yugoslavia, according to local media reports on Thursday. The Special State Prosecutor’s Office (SDT) arrested Katnic on April 14, accusing him of inhumane [...]


A 19-year-old man has been charged with a terrorism offense in New South Wales after briefly entering the office of State Member for Newcastle Tim Crakanthorp with plans to kill him, according to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) on Thursday.  The man, identified as Jordan Patten from Raymond Terrace, New South Wales, has been refused [...]

Pilettes, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Christian Tein, leader of the New Caledonian independence group “CCAT cell,” will be detained in mainland France after being charged on Saturday in connection with violent protests on the island territory, according to local media and statements from his lawyer to the press. Tein will be transferred almost 17,000 kilometers (10,500 miles) to France from [...]


New South Wales Premier Chris Minns formally apologized in Parliament House on Thursday to all those convicted or affected by laws that criminalized homosexuality, which was decriminalized 40 years ago. New South Wales is the last Australian state to apologize for these laws. Victoria and South Australia apologized in 2016, followed by the other three [...]

akitada31 / Pixabay

Multiple media outlets reported Wednesday that 560 million Ticketmaster customers may have been compromised in a data breach by ShinyHunters, a known hacker group.   The group claimed in an online forum that 1.3 terabytes of Ticketmaster customer data, including names, phone numbers, addresses and credit card details of customers had been stolen.  They are asking [...]


Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles explained in an interview on Tuesday that the extent of Australia’s security partnership with the Solomon Islands is unknown due to the islands’ government undertaking a security review. The Australian defence minister confirmed both governments want to continue their security partnership. The newly elected Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Jeremiah Manele, [...]

© WikiMedia (Thomas@RUN)

French President Emmanuel Macron declared a state of emergency in New Caledonia Friday for the violent protests breakout. The protests have resulted in almost 200 arrests, dozens of injuries and at least four deaths since Wednesday. Protestors have been setting businesses and cars on fire, and shooting rifles to cause widespread panic.  Reuters reports that [...]

495756 / Pixabay

The Budapest Capital Regional Court of Appeal announced it will grant house arrest in Budapest to Ilaria Salis, a 39-year-old elementary teacher and left-wing activist from Monza, Italy due to the conditions of her imprisonment, local media confirmed on Wednesday. This defense motion was initially rejected by the Budapest Capital Regional Court on March 28.  [...]

Thennicke, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Australian High Court passed a judgement on Friday that dismissed an Iranian asylum seeker’s plea to be released from immigration detention and enter the country.  The Iranian asylum seeker, applicant ASF-17, applied to the Federal Court of Australia for a writ of habeas corpus in 2023 on the basis that his continuing detention exceeded [...]


Australia and Tuvalu released a joint statement Thursday announcing new commitments to improve security relations and remove the veto power Australia previously had over the tiny island nation’s security relations with other countries. The announcement addressed the implementation and interpretation of the Falepili Union, a bilateral treaty which was entered into on November 9, 2023 [...]