Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi honored the country's war dead by praying at Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine Monday, despite conflicting court decisions on the constitutionality of Koizumi's visits to the shrine. Last month, the...
US Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers will offer her first rebuttal to concerns over her qualifications Monday in answers to a Senate questionnaire on several topics, including judicial activism. White House...
An official from Bali's Denpasar district court said Monday that politicians and legal officials will be sent to the prison which houses three men convicted in the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings in an attempt to speed up...
The Egyptian government ordered Sunday that five members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood be released after they had been detained for five months without charges. The Muslim Brotherhood, established in 1928 and banned...
US Army Capt. Ian Fishback , who served as an anonymous source for a recent Human Rights Watch report on the alleged abuse of Iraqi detainees, said Tuesday that Army investigators tried to track down young soldiers...
Advocacy group Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI) , Wednesday released a report of human rights abuses revealing a high prevalence of torture and starvation in Turkey's psychiatric institutions. The results...
The Judicial Conference of the United States , the policy making body for federal judges, and the American Bar Association (ABA) have sent a letter to US Senate Judiciary Chairman Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA)...
Texas Judge William L. Abbott ruled Tuesday that former anti-Castro CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles will not be deported to either Cuba or Venezuela where local officials want to prosecute him for alleged terrorist acts. US attorneys...
Scotland Yard announced Tuesday that anti-terrorist officers have arrested a suspect in connection with the failed July 21 London bomb attacks , which occurred just two weeks after the fatal July 7 London bombings [JURIST news...
Minority Shiites who make up about about ten percent of Saudi Arabia's population have petitioned King Abdullah for prisoner releases and equal opportunities a month after the new monarch in his first address to the nation ...