© WikiMedia (Dmitry Ivanov)

Russian government officials announced Saturday that it is preparing a bill to facilitate the confiscation of both money and property from people who are found to violate the law surrounding false information and the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Vyacheslav Volodin, chairman of the Duma, outlined details of the bill on Telegram. He said the draft [...]


The Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s office confirmed Friday to Swiss media outlet Keystone-SDA that a criminal complaint against Israeli President Isaac Herzog has been filed. The announcement came during the week long annual World Economic Forum 2024 (WEF) held in Davos, Switzerland, which President Herzog attended. Swiss authorities are not providing further information on the group who [...]


An Israeli airstrike hit a vehicle transporting journalists in southern Gaza on Saturday, resulting in two casualties and one injury. A source from Reporters Without Borders tells Al-Jazeera that they believe the vehicle was directly targeted. Al Jazeera journalist Hamza Al Dahdouh and Agence France-Presse journalist Mustafa Thuraya were killed. Hamza Dahdouh was the son [...]

smuldur / Pixabay

Turkish Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc announced on Friday that the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office ordered the detention of 15 people suspected of spying for Israel. The 15 arrested are part of a larger group of 34 people suspected of espionage. Yilmaz’s announcement says that the 15 suspects were detained following an investigation by the [...]

© WikiMedia (Dirtsc )

German farmers blockaded and attempted to storm a ferry to prevent Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck from returning to Germany on Thursday, in protest of plans to remove agricultural subsidies. The protesters who attempted to storm the ferry were eventually stopped by police intervention as the ferry fled. The police reported that criminal [...]


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Thursday that the last functioning hospital in northern Gaza has now become minimally operational due to lack of fuel, staff, and supplies. The WHO reported that all injured patients who are unable to be relocated are now “waiting to die”. The Al-Ahli hospital was the last hospital in [...]

kidmoses / Pixabay

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) announced Thursday that it is bringing proceedings before the Irish High Court over the state’s failure to properly house asylum applicants. This marks the first time that the IHREC is using its statutory powers to take the state to court. According to its press release, the IHREC [...]

geralt / Pixabay

The UK Supreme Court unanimously ruled Wednesday that an “inventor” under the Patents Act 1977  must be a “natural person” and not artificial intelligence (AI). The Supreme Court heard the landmark appeal, Thaler v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks , after it was initially dismissed in the High Court and Court of Appeal in [...]

EmDee, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The European Commission announced Monday that it is commencing formal proceedings against social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) under the landmark European Union (EU) Digital Services Act (DSA). The proceedings against X  are the first to be launched by the EU under the new regulations, which were formally proposed in 2020 and entered [...]

Reinhold Möller, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Scottish Court of Session, Scotland’s supreme civil court, ruled on Friday that UK ministers acted lawfully when they blocked reforms proposed by the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill. The Bill sought to allow people of Scotland to self-identify their gender and was passed in Scottish Parliament in December 2022.  The UK government previously invoked [...]