China’s National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) announced Friday that BBC World News, the BBC’s worldwide news television service, would be discontinued in China following reports of serious violations under Chinese rules and regulations. Following this ban, Hong Kong’s public broadcaster- Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) pulled the plug on the live relay of BBC [...]

jarmoluk / Pixabay

Several human rights advocates and civil society organisations, including the Asia Internet Coalition (AIC), an association of leading internet and technology companies including Google, Facebook, Twitter among others, issued statements this week against the cyberlaw bill being developed by the new military junta in Myanmar. The bill is due to be implemented and was distributed [...]


The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) on Friday launched an investigation into Uber’s acquisition of Autocab, a UK technology company that provides private hire and taxi operators with the necessary technology to run their businesses. Uber first announced its intention to acquire Autocab in August last year. Jamie Heywood, Uber’s Regional General Manager for [...]


Tech platforms such as Google and Facebook are fighting a proposed Australian law that will force them to remunerate Australian news media companies. The Australian government introduced the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code in December 2020 after more than three years of extensive public consultation in order to “address the bargaining power imbalance [...]


South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Friday signed a proclamation providing for the Political Party Funding Act, 2018 to come into effect on April 1. The Act regulates public and private funding of political parties in the country. The Act, which repeals the Public Funding of Represented Political Parties Act, 1997, was approved by the parliament in [...]


The Poland Ministry of Justice on Thursday announced the introduction of the “freedom of speech protection” bill to stop social media platforms from deleting content posted by Polish users or blocking the users if they do not break any Polish laws. The Minister of Justice, Zbigniew Ziobro said: Today, social networking sites themselves decide about [...]

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The US Department of Defense (DOD) on Thursday released a list of nine Chinese companies with alleged links to the Chinese military to be blacklisted under section 1237 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999. The Department said in a press release: The Department is determined to highlight and counter the People’s [...]

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The UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched Friday an investigation into Google’s proposals to remove third party cookies on Chrome and replace them with other tools and functionality to protect user privacy under its “Privacy Sandbox” project. Google announced the Privacy Sandbox project in August 2019, aimed at overcoming “cross-site tracking,” or companies collecting users’ [...]


Ajit Pai, the outgoing Chairman of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), said in an interview with C-SPAN on Thursday said he does not “intend to move forward” with the proposed rule-making on Section 230 during his remaining time at the FCC. In November, Pai announced that he was leaving the FCC on January 20, [...]