1778011 / Pixabay

The US House of Representatives voted Tuesday not to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for allegedly failing to comply with US law and breaching public trust in his handling of immigration enforcement on the US-Mexico border. The vote, 214 for and 216 against, split largely along party lines, with the majority of Republican [...]

© WikiMedia (Government of Venezuela)

The Associated Press (AP) released an exclusive report Thursday revealing a secret US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) spying program that targeted top Venezuelan officials, including Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, despite the program’s potential illegality under international law. According to AP, the program, internally referred to as Operation Money Badger, has been ongoing since at least [...]

andibreit / Pixabay

The US Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals declined Tuesday to rehear with the full Eighth Circuit panel of judges a prior appeals court decision curtailing private organizations’ ability to sue under section two of the Voting Rights Act for alleged racial gerrymandering in redistricting decisions. In the order denying the rehearing, Judge David Stras, writing [...]

RomanDeckert, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) announced Friday that the agency fired a number of employees that were allegedly involved in the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini stated: The Israeli Authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several [...]

succo / Pixabay

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the seizure of 700 safety deposit boxes under the process of civil asset forfeiture went beyond the warrant issued and violated the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable search and seizure. The case began in 2021, when the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) obtained a warrant to [...]

Wolfmann, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Norwegian authorities criminally charged 20 Indigenous Saami activists and supporters on Friday for blocking access to multiple government buildings in protest over the continued operation of wind turbines in the Fosen region. The operation occupies the same land as traditional reindeer herding grounds, despite a 2021 Norwegian Supreme Court ruling calling for an end to [...]


The US Supreme Court announced Friday that it will hear the case Starbucks Corp. v. McKinney, originally filed due to Starbucks’ firing of employees attempting to unionize, to determine the appropriate legal standard by which courts should review National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) preliminary injunction decisions. The case arose in 2022, when Starbucks was accused [...]


The US Supreme Court announced Friday that it has granted certiorari in the case City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson, which challenges cities banning or heavily regulating encampments of unhoused people on public land under the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution’s prohibition on “cruel and unusual punishment.” The case surrounds several parts of [...]


A group of international human rights organizations sent a letter to US President Joe Biden Wednesday calling for the US, one of Israel’s most vocal international allies and supplier of weapons, to facilitate stronger protections for journalists and freedom of the press in Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas War. The letter, signed by the Committee to [...]

Janni Rye, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Florida Division of Elections released data Friday confirming that the group Floridians Protecting Freedom (FPF) successfully gathered the required number of signatures to put an amendment on the Florida ballot to enshrine abortion protections in the state constitution. FPF Campaign Director Lauren Brenzel celebrated the milestone, stating, “The fact that we only launched our [...]