skeeze / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in California v. Texas, a case that could determine the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This is the second time that the constitutionality of the ACA has been before the court, with the justices again being asked to review the individual mandate to buy health insurance as [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court Wednesday denied a request from Pennsylvania Republicans to review a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision allowing the counting of ballots received up to three days after the election, even with no legible postmark. The Pennsylvania branch of the Republican Party filed a petition for a writ of certiorari, hoping the Supreme Court, [...]

© WikiMedia (AgnosticPreachersKid)

The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) filed a lawsuit Monday in the US District Court for the District of Columbia to enjoin the Trump administration’s recent executive order weakening job protections for career federal employees. In the complaint, the union requests declaratory and injunctive relief. The order, “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service,” was [...]

geralt / Pixabay

International investment bank Goldman Sachs Thursday admitted criminal wrongdoing by a Malaysian subsidiary of the bank in a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission filed in New York. The SEC settlement agreement summarizes the bank’s wrongdoing as “a scheme perpetrated by now former senior employees of Goldman Sachs who authorized and paid bribes and [...]


A Kentucky court on Tuesday ordered the release of new records from the grand jury investigation into the officers who killed Breonna Taylor and gave permission to the grand jurors to speak freely about what occurred during the controversial proceeding. An anonymous juror sued Kentucky late last month, seeking the release of grand jury transcripts, [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in the cases of United States v. Briggs and Chicago v. Fulton. The court heard the argument by telephone with live-streamed audio. The Briggs case was consolidated with United States v. Collins in November 2019 and another case. In all three cases, the respondent is a man in [...]

12019 / Pixabay

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall announced Tuesday that the state of emergency declared earlier in the day by the governor for the approach of Hurricane Delta would extend the state’s price gouging law. The Hurricane Delta state of emergency is the state’s third, coming on top of declared emergencies over COVID 19 and Hurricane Sally. [...]


A US House of Representatives subcommittee held a hearing Tuesday to examine the infiltration of law enforcement by white supremacist groups. Representatives from law enforcement, academics and activists gave testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties subcommittee in a recorded two-hour remote hearing. Prior to the hearing, subcommittee [...]

AlanMc, Public domain

Northern Ireland’s Public Prosecution Service (PPS) announced Tuesday that after reviewing the evidence against 15 British soldiers suspected of killing civilians in Derry on “Bloody Sunday,” January 30, 1972, they will maintain the decision not to pursue prosecution. Tuesday’s decision, announced in a statement from the PPS, upholds an earlier decision from March 2019. The [...]