377053 / Pixabay

A three-judge bench of the High Court of New Zealand ruled Wednesday that the first nine days of the COVID-19 lockdown imposed by the government were unlawful. The case was filed by Wellington lawyer Andrew Borrowdale. The lockdown came after statements in late March by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and government officials requesting that citizens [...]


A three-judge bench of the Supreme Court of India on Friday held noted Indian civil rights attorney Prashant Bhushan guilty of criminal contempt. The Court took up the case against the prominent civil rights advocate over two tweets. The first tweet was about a photo of Justice SA Bobde, Chief Justice of India, riding a [...]


A Mexican judge has issued arrest warrants for 19 former federal law enforcement officials for money laundering and organized crime, officials said Tuesday. The Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection initiated the case against these officials who worked under the Peña Nieto administration. Jesús Orta Martínez, former Secretary of Citizen Security, is among the suspects. [...]

clachcl0 / Pixabay

Hong Kong police arrested 10 people on Monday under the new national security law for suspected collusion with foreign forces. Jimmy Lai Chee-Ying and senior officials of Apple Daily newspaper were detained over suspected collusion with foreign forces. Two hundred police officials raided the offices of Apple Daily. The police also arrested Agnes Chow Ting, [...]

mayns82 / Pixabay

The Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of El Salvador Friday declared an executive decree aimed at regulating the reopening of the economy unconstitutional. President Nayib Bukele’s Ministry of Health issued Executive Decree No. 32 last month. The decree dealt with health protocols to guarantee the right to health of people during the [...]


The Foshan Intermediate People’s Court sentenced Canadian citizen Ye Jianhui to death Friday for manufacturing and transporting drugs. It was the fourth death sentence imposed on a Canadian by a Chinese court since Meng Wanzhou, the Chief Financial Officer of Huawei Technologies Company, was arrested in Vancouver in 2018 on a US warrant. The death [...]