The US Supreme Court Tuesday declined to block the execution of Missouri inmate Leonard Taylor despite new evidence potentially proving a wrongful conviction. Taylor died by lethal injection at the state prison in Bonne Terre on Tuesday. Taylor was convicted of the murders of his girlfriend Angela Rowe and her three children in 2004 but [...]


A Wednesday report commissioned by the UK’s Central Prosecution Service (CPS) says Black and ethnic minority defendants receive disproportionate sentences for similar crimes compared to their white counterparts. Research by the University of Leeds examined the outcomes of charging decisions between January 2018 and December 2021, looking at almost 195,000 cases. The findings come against [...]

al_si / Pixabay

The UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights Wednesday called on the government to halt its proposed Bill of Rights Bill, warning that it would “seriously damage” the UK’s human rights protections. Committee Chair Joanna Cherry KC MP stated that there is “little appetite” for the reforms, and “it may be more sensible to scrap [...]


Human rights NGO Fortify Rights Tuesday filed a criminal complaint against senior Myanmar military generals for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Under the principle of universal jurisdiction, the organization filed its claim in Germany. Half of the 16 individual complainants survived the Rohingya genocide in 2016 and 2017. Along with the individuals’ testimonies, the [...]

© WikiMedia (Phil Roeder)

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Friday reversed a lower court’s decision that a school board policy which prevents transgender students from using the bathroom that corresponds with the gender they identify with is unconstitutional. The court found that the policy of theSt. Johns County School Board, which separates school bathrooms based [...]

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The UN General Assembly Friday asked its highest judicial authority, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), to provide an opinion on the legality of Israeli settlements located on Palestinian territory. The General Assembly passed the resolution by a vote of 87 to 26 with 53 abstentions. The ICJ is expected to consider Israel’s occupation and [...]