Leonhard Lenz, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Countries including the United States and Britain Thursday called for the International Labour Organization (ILO) to probe alleged labour abuses in China’s Xinjiang region. Australia, Canada and the EU also voiced support for the probe. The calls follow the Committee of Expert’s 2022 report on China’s non-compliance with Convention 111, which prohibits discrimination in employment [...]

© WikiMedia (MOs810)

The European Commission Wednesday approved Poland’s recovery and resistance plan, an important step toward the release of billions of euros in grants and loans, but the money will not be paid until Warsaw reforms its judiciary. Under the plan Poland will receive 23.9 billion euros in grants and 11.5 billion euros in cheap loans over [...]


Dutch journalist union, the Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (NVJ), Wednesday filed a lawsuit in the EU Court of Justice challenging the EU’s ban on Russian state-backed media outlets. NVJ alleges the EU ban amounts to a restriction on EU citizens’ right to information and free press. The EU banned the Russian state-backed channels Russia Today [...]


New York Attorney General Letitia James Wednesday stated that the New York Department of Law launched an investigation into several social media platforms they believe a shooter responsible for killing 10 people at a Buffalo supermarket used to plan, promote and stream the attack. The shooting occurred May 14 when 18-year-old Payton Gendron committed what [...]

jarmoluk / Pixabay

The Spanish government approved a draft bill Tuesday that extends abortion access for teenagers, removes existing obstacles to abortion, and may make Spain the first country in Europe to grant workers menstrual leave. The draft, which Spain’s Council of Ministers approved, will reform Spain’s current Organic Law 2/2010, of 3 March, on Sexual and Reproductive [...]

© WikiMedia (Ludovic Courtès)

The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Thursday passed a resolution to initiate an investigation into possible war crimes committed by Russian troops in Ukraine. The investigation will be conducted by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry, an independent commission under the UNHRC responsible for coordinating and reporting upon national and international investigations. The commission is [...]


The United Kingdom announced Wednesday that it had implemented a visa requirement for Salvadorans seeking to enter the country due to a spike in asylum applications from Salvadoran citizens. Over the past five years an increasing number of Salvadorans have been driven to emigrate due to gang violence and poverty in their home country. Salvadorian [...]


An Arizona judge Wednesday rejected a death row inmate’s request for clemency based on claims he is mentally incompetent, keeping the execution on track to be the first in the state for nearly eight years. In 2008, Clarence Dixon was convicted of murdering 21-year-old Arizona State University student Deana Bowdoin in 1977 and sentenced to [...]

© WikiMedia (WHO)

The US House of Representatives Wednesday unanimously passed legislation calling on the State Department to develop a strategy to regain observer status for Taiwan in the World Health Organization (WHO). The bill previously passed through the Senate in August 2021. It will now go to the White House where it is expected that President Joe [...]

© WikiMedia (Jastrow)

The Constitutional Court of Italy Wednesday ruled Italian children should be given the surname of both parents. It is a long-standing tradition in Italy that all newborns are automatically given their father’s surname. But in Wednesday’s decision, the court described the practice as “discriminatory and harmful to the identity” of the child. Specifically the court [...]