DEZALB / Pixabay

The Ecuadorian police announced Friday the arrest of Julio Alberto M. A., also known as “Negro Tulio,” the leader of the Chone gang, in Panama. He is implicated in the murder of prosecutor Cesar Suarez in January 2024, who was investigating organized transnational crime in Guayas province. On June 1, Ecuadorian authorities confirmed that Julio [...]

KCBLOP / Pixabay

The Colombian Prosecutor’s Office formally charged former President Álvaro Uribe with witness tampering and procedural fraud on Friday. This development occurred during the Accusation Hearing held in the 44th Penal Circuit Court of Bogotá. The hearing, presided over by Judge Sandra Liliana Heredia, saw Uribe’s defense team’s request for nullification of the proceedings swiftly rejected. [...]


The Peruvian Congress dismissed three motions aimed at impeaching President Dina Boluarte on Friday. Motions 11507, 11508 and 11512 were introduced primarily by opposition legislators, mainly from leftist factions, with the intent of declaring Boluarte’s “permanent moral incapacity” to serve as president. The impeachment efforts were based on Article 113.2 of the Peru Constitution, which [...]

Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS.), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Colombia’s Justice and Peace Tribunal of Bogota, led by Magistrate Jose Manuel Parra, released former paramilitary commander Salvatore Mancuso on Saturday by replacing 57 security measures that had previously kept him in custody. Document of Freedom No. 3, issued by the Superior Court of Bogota, detailed the terms of his release, stating that Mancuso was [...]

Cayambe, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Alexandre de Moraes, a justice of the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF), issued a five-day deadline for the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to explain its purported failure to fully comply with earlier court orders on Monday. The deadline expires this Friday. This move comes amidst an ongoing investigation into what Brazilian authorities have labeled [...]

RitaStardust, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A confrontation between Argentine authorities and anti-government protesters, incensed by President Javier Milei’s economic measures, reached a boiling point on Wednesday. As tensions flared, police forcefully dispersed protesters blocking the capital’s crucial thoroughfare. Milei became the focal point of protests by social organizations in Buenos Aires, resulting in the arrest of 11 individuals and leaving [...]


The Argentine court issued a decisive ruling Friday condemning Archbishop Mario Cargnello of Salta, alongside three other clergy members, for their involvement in gender violence against a group of nuns. The case, which centers around allegations of violence against Carmelite Nuns of the San Bernardo Convent, stemmed from the nuns’ support for devotion to the [...]

skylark / Pixabay

The escalating violence in Ecuador has prompted 45 mayors to request police protection, as reported on Wednesday by Patricio Maldonado, the president of the Association of Ecuadorian Municipalities (AME). Since 2023, 22 local officials, including two mayors—one of whom was recent victim Brigitte Garcia—have tragically lost their lives in violent circumstances, evoking profound concern throughout [...]