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Derrick Bell, a leading legal scholar and the first tenured African-American professor at Harvard Law School , died Wednesday in New York of carcinoid cancer. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Bell graduated from the University of Pittsburgh...
The trial of 24 suspected members of an al-Quaida cell in Spain began in Madrid Friday. Three of the suspects allegedly used Spain as a staging ground for the September 11, 2001 attacks against targets in...
Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, Stephen Breyer, and Antonin Scalia gave candid reactions to recent criticisms of the "activist" federal judiciary in a rare joint interview-cum-converation moderated by NBC's Tim Russert at the National Archives Thursday. O'Connor and Breyer agreed...
The National Center for State Courts has asked Congress to earmark 1-3 percent of new homeland security grants to states for use in improving security at courthouses. The request comes in the wake of recent incidents...
The lower house of the Spanish Parliament has approved a bill to legalize same-sex marriages, a measure sponsored by Spain's ruling Socialist Party. The bill, passed Thursday, now moves to the Senate [official website, in...
One day after a Michigan probate court ordered Yahoo! to release the contents of an e-mail account belonging to deceased Marine Justin Ellsworth , the company complied Thursday by delivering a CD of the private documents...
Twelve detainees were injured Thursday night when a fight broke out at the US Camp Bucca prison camp in southern Iraq triggered by the murder of an inmate. The US military confirmed the fight...
Prosecutors have dropped objections to the release of four high ranking Serbian officials ahead of their trial for war crimes, allowing them to return to Belgrade as early as today. The four include Milan Milutinovic, a former Serbian president...
Two high-ranking but unidentified United Nations officials have been cited in the criminal complaint released Thursday against South Korean businessman Tongsun Park for his involvement in the Iraq oil-for-food scandal . Park is accused of accepting...