tvjoern / Pixabay

Germany’s ruling coalition and conservative opposition reached an agreement on a new proposal on Tuesday to safeguard the Federal Constitutional Court, the highest court in Germany, by introducing changes to the Basic Law. These reforms would shield the court from potential interference from extremist or authoritarian actors. According to Marco Buschmann, Germany’s Minister of Justice, [...]


The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and its Special Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression (RELE, by its initials in Spanish) issued a press release expressing alarm over the excessive use of public force against journalists and peaceful protesters in Argentina. The press release was issued in response to the protests on June 12, when [...]

Ank gsx, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) warned on Friday that global efforts to end female genital mutilation (FGM) are undermined by the cross-border movements of girls to undergo FGM. FGM is a practice that involves altering or injuring the female genitalia for non-medical reasons. It can lead to both immediate [...]


The ICJ unanimously ruled on Thursday that there is no urgency to declare the preventive measures requested by Mexico against Ecuador, following the forcible entry into the Mexican embassy in Quito, Ecuador last April. According to the resolution, Ecuador’s representative said that the Ecuadorian government notified Mexico through a Note Verbale on April 9, 2024, confirming [...]

12019 / Pixabay

Panama’s next president José Raul Mulino announced Thursday that the forthcoming government is planning to set up new checkpoints in a thick jungle area along its southern border, which has become a dangerous segment of the path for the growing number of migrants trying to head to the US. During his proclamation as president-elect, Mulino [...]


The Attorney General’s Office of Peru announced on Friday the initiation of an investigation regarding President Dina Boluarte’s decision to disband a special police unit that was probing her brother, who was detained earlier that day. The office stated that preliminary proceedings had been initiated against President Boluarte and Minister of the Interior Walter Ortiz [...]


Argentina’s main labor unions held a 24-hour general strike of bus, train, subway, and airplane services on Thursday to express their discontent with President Javier Milei’s austerity policies. The strike led to the shutdown of transportation services and the emptying of streets as millions of workers joined the stoppage. The call for the strike was [...]


Europeans prioritize reducing immigration over addressing climate change, and fewer than 15% of respondents worldwide view climate issues as a top three priority for their country’s government, according to a global study released on Wednesday. The report, which evaluated more than 62,950 responses, was published by The Alliance of Democracies Foundation and Latana. It is [...]


The Supreme Court of Justice of Panama on Friday dismissed a constitutional challenge against the candidacy of prominent presidential candidate José Raúl Mulino, resolving a source of uncertainty just two days before the May 5 election. In a press release, the court informed that it found the Second Resolutive Point of Plenary Agreement 11-1 of [...]

DEZALB / Pixabay

The National Court of Justice of Ecuador decided on Friday that former vice president Jorge Glas must remain in jail despite denouncing his arrest at the Mexican Embassy as illegal. The habeas corpus petition filed to request his release stemmed from his detention during the raid at the Mexican Embassy last week and followed a [...]