The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Tuesday called on Iraqi Kurdish authorities to “immediately and unconditionally” release Syrian journalist, Sleman Ahmed. Ahmed has been detained for eight months and is facing a charge of espionage under acts of endangering the national security of the Kurdistan Region. He has already faced restrictions accessing legal representation [...]

chief39 / Pixabay

The European Court of Human Rights unanimously found Tuesday that Russia was guilty of a pattern of human rights violations since 2014 in Crimea under the European Convention on Human Rights (Convention) and international humanitarian law, in its ruling on the case Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea). These violations included ill-treatment, intimidation, disappearances, forced Russian [...]


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) announced in a press release on Tuesday that 31 written statements have been filed concerning whether workers have a right to strike under a key International Labor Organization convention. The written statements follow the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) request for an urgent advisory opinion from [...]


A group of human rights organizations in a joint statement released on Tuesday called on the government of Tunisia to end its recent crackdown on free speech and free association and to uphold respect for human rights as attacks on journalists, lawyers and human rights groups have “significantly escalated” in the last month. Amnesty International, [...]

12019 / Pixabay

The Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan released a report (A/HRC/56/25) on Tuesday, ahead of the 56th session of the Human Rights Council taking place from June 18 to July 12, 2024, where the Special Rapporteur will address the findings. A critical analysis of the worsening subjugation of Afghan women and [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on Tuesday ruled against Koço Kokëdhima who complained to the court after his removal from Albania’s Parliament due to the former MP’s conflict of interest as the sole shareholder of a private joint-stock company, Abissnet SHA, that provided services to various public authorities. The court found the Albanian [...]

IAEA Imagebank, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Mariano Grossi raised concerns over the safety of Iran’s nuclear programme while addressing the agency’s Board of Directors on Monday. Grossi said the stockpile of Iran’s enriched uranium continues to grow while it has been three years since the agency last had access in Iran. The IAEA is facing [...]


The Australian Parliament on Tuesday passed the Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023 which has the effect of establishing the first federal Anti-Slavery Commissioner as an independent statutory officeholder. The functions include promoting compliance with the Modern Slavery Act, supporting victims of modern slavery, advising the government and advocating for continuous improvement. The [...]

jinsei_ma / Pixabay

Human Rights Watch (HRW) with the Belarusian Association of Human Rights Lawyers and Right to Defence released on Monday a report into the politically motivated crackdown on human rights lawyers in Belarus. The report examines the governmental control over the legal profession and highlights the political motivation behind six lawyers prosecuted and the 140 lawyers [...]


New Zealand MP David MacLeod admitted in an address to the press on Tuesday, that he failed to declare 19 candidate campaign donations to the Electoral Commission. The failure has led New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon to stand down David MacLeod from his role as Chairperson of the Environment Committee. In addressing the failure [...]