keresi72 / Pixabay

Chief Justice Lemons of the Virginia Supreme Court on Monday ordered the temporary suspension of all evictions and residential unlawful detainer actions. This order comes at the request of Virginia’s governor, Ralph Northam. In a letter to the Chief Justice, Northam requested a suspension of unlawful detainer proceedings for 30 days so that the his [...]

jorono / Pixabay

The Burundi constitutional court on Thursday upheld the presidential election of retired general Evariste Ndayishimiye. The controversial election occurred in May and marked the country’s first competitive presidential election since 1993. According to voter results, Ndayishimiye won the election with 69 percent of the votes. However, Agathon Rwasa, who supposedly won 24 percent of the [...]

dassel / Pixabay

Switzerland’s Supreme Court denied an appeal on Wednesday by the Senior Women for Climate Protection, finding that it is too early to claim fundamental rights violations based on climate change. The Senior Women for Climate Protection alleged that Switzerland’s government was failing to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions in a way that would correspond [...]


A judge for the US District Court for the Central District of California ordered last week that the City and County of Los Angeles humanely relocate approximately 7,000 homeless individuals currently “camping near freeway overpasses, underpasses, and ramps.” Judge David Carter found that living near highways exposes people to “toxic fumes, ‘hazardous waste concentrations of [...]


The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared on Thursday that the cost of regulating mercury and other toxic emissions from power plants is not “appropriate and necessary.” This conclusion stems from the EPA’s revised cost-benefit analysis. The new analysis only includes benefits from regulating hazardous air pollutant emissions; it does not account for benefits from [...]


Judge Brian Morris, a US District Judge for the District of Montana, canceled a key permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline on Wednesday. In 2017 the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) reissued Nationwide Permit 12. The permit authorizes “discharges of dredged of fill material into jurisdictional waters” and is necessary for the water-crossings [...]

© WikiMedia (Michael Coghlan)

The Turkish parliament passed a legal amendment on Tuesday to release thousands of prisoners in an effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The bill was introduced by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AK Party), as well as the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). The same day that the law was [...]