The Moldovan Constitutional Court on Thursday threw out the results of the recent presidential election and canceled the run off vote planned for January 15. The court ruled that many parliamentary...
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has defended the use of recess appointments by President Barack Obama . Obama used recess appointments to install Richard Cordray as director of...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Friday urged Yemen to accept the international prohibition against granting amnesty for human rights violations . Yemen is currently considering passing legislation which would grant amnesty for...
The federal government filed a brief on Friday before the US Supreme Court arguing that the minimum coverage provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) , which requires almost...
Retired Turkish general Ilker Basbug, formerly the leader of all of Turkey's armed forces, was arrested on Friday for his alleged involvement with the Ergenekon network. The group allegedly planned to assassinate prominent members...
The Federal Courts Jurisdiction and Venue Clarification Act (JVCA) took effect Friday after being signed into law by US President Barack Obama last month. According to the House Judiciary Committee Report , the...
The US International Trade Commission (USITC) ruled on Monday for Apple on a patent complaint against HTC for infringing its "data tapping" patents. The USITC found that...
Hungary's Constitutional Court on Monday struck down certain provisions of the country's recently passed media law as an unconstitutional restraint on press freedom. Rights groups had urged Hungary to amend [JURIST...
The US handed over the last detainee in Iraq, Ali Mussa Daqduq, to Iraqi authorities on Friday as part of the end of the Iraq War . Daqduq allegedly has links to Hezbollah and is...
The Indonesian parliament approved a bill on Friday that gives the government eminent domain powers to seize land from individuals without their consent, as long as compensation is provided. Proponents of the bill argue that it...