© WikiMedia (Mathieu Génon)

In a joint statement published Tuesday, 24 nongovernmental organizations urged the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to act to bridge Yemen’s “acute accountability gap.” The statement was based on 1 September 9 report from the UN Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen. The report describes the conflict in Yemen that has been ongoing since 2014: “The [...]


US President Donald Trump issued an executive order Monday imposing sanctions on Iran targeting arms sales. The US State Department issued a fact sheet on the sanctions, which are focused on the sale of weapons and materials to Iran. Under “Nuclear Related Measures,” these sanctions are imposed on specific individuals and groups, which, according to [...]

leokiru / Pixabay

The District of Columbia Court of Appeals issued an order Tuesday granting in part to allow law school graduates to practice in Washington, DC, without having sat for the bar exam. The order grants the request in part and states that the court is preparing emergency rules to be released by Monday, September 28. These [...]

geralt / Pixabay

The European Court of Justice backed EU net neutrality regulations Tuesday in a judgment interpreting the rules. The ruling came in response to a Hungarian court’s request for a preliminary opinion in a case where the president of the National Communications and Media Office of Hungary ordered the Telenor Company to terminate some of its [...]

Tumisu / Pixabay

The UK House of Commons voted 340-263 Monday to approve the Internal Market Bill (UKIMB), which would unilaterally override parts of the country’s Brexit deal with the European Union. The bill has now moved to the House of Lords for a vote. If approved, it would become law after Royal Assent. The UKIMB is the [...]

hswajid / Pixabay

The Lahore Sessions Court in Pakistan on Tuesday sentenced Christian factory worker Asif Pervaiz to death for blasphemy. Pervaiz has been in custody since 2013 when he was first charged with blasphemy for messages he sent to his former supervisor, Muhammad Saeed Khokher. Judge Mansoor Ahmad Qureshi sentenced Pervaiz to serve three years in prison [...]

ValynPi14 / Pixabay

Texas state representative Carl Sherman said Sunday that he will introduce the “Botham Jean Act” to clarify the state’s “castle doctrine.” Sunday marked the two-year anniversary of the death of Botham Jean, who was shot in his home by an off-duty police officer. The proposed bill will “codify and strengthen existing criminal justice laws to [...]


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an agency order Tuesday temporarily halting residential evictions to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. This order was made under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act. The moratorium on residential evictions is proposed to address the need for people to be able to [...]

995645 / Pixabay

The US vetoed a UN Security Council resolution on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts Monday, for failure to consider repatriation. The position of the US is that the issue of repatriation is of vital importance to address the problem of terrorism at its root, and that “all nations need to [...]

© WikiMedia (Government of Venezuela)

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro granted pardons Monday to 110 citizens and members of the national opposition ahead of the parliamentary elections scheduled for December 6. Sectorial Vice President of Communication, Tourism and Culture Jorge Rodriguez announced the pardons during a presidential press conference, noting that Maduro is seeking “dialogue with the people of Venezuela.” This [...]