Three US lawmakers introduced legislation Tuesday to close the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay , calling the prison a symbol of US failure and hypocrisy. Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) announced...
With Serbia poised to assume the rotating presidency of the Council of Europe this week, several human rights groups have spoken out against the country's new role, asserting that a country in violation of the 1948 Genocide...
Tennessee executed its first death row inmate Wednesday after a moratorium on executions imposed by the governor in February expired earlier this month. Philip Workman's execution had been postponed five times, and last minute...
British Army Corporal David Payne, convicted of abusing Iraqi detainees in 2003, was sent to jail for one year on Monday. Payne, who was one of seven British soldiers who faced court-martial for charges of detainee...
Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine issued an executive order Monday closing the loophole that allowed Virginia Tech gunman Seung-Hui Cho to purchase a firearm despite having been ordered to receive psychiatric...
Two former administrators at a Texas juvenile prison pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges of improper sexual conduct with six students. Former West Texas State School principal John Paul Hernandez and former assistant superintendent Ray...
Cuban anti-Castro militant Luis Posada Carriles posted bond and was released from a New Mexico jail on Thursday after ongoing debate about his release. Carriles, 79, a former CIA operative trained by the US...
US Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and other leading members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees on Wednesday introduced the Patent Reform Act of 2007 , which would overhaul current US patent...
A federal grand jury in the US Southern District of Ohio on Wednesday charged Christopher Paul, from Columbus, Ohio, with conspiring to aid terrorists and use weapons of mass destruction to bomb European tourist...
Haider Hossein, the Bangladeshi lawyer who prosecuted six Islamic militants executed two weeks ago for the 2005 murders of two judges , was shot and killed Thursday in Jhalakathi, in southern Bangladesh. Jhalakathi police chief Habibur...