The German Federal Constitutional Court ruled Tuesday that complete cuts to individual unemployment benefits for breaches of duty are unconstitutional. The traditional practice utilized by the German government was to prohibit benefits for citizens who did not search for jobs during their period of unemployment. The court did allow for up to a 30 percent [...]

geralt / Pixabay

A new report commissioned by Korea Peace Now and produced by an international panel of experts, titled “The Human Costs and Gendered Impact of Sanctions on North Korea,” outlines the gendered and humanitarian cost of UN-backed and unilateral sanctions against North Korea. According to the report, sanctions exacerbate an already troubled economy and women shoulder [...]

Joenomias / Pixabay

General Motors, Toyota, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, among other carmakers, announced Monday that they were supporting US President Donald Trump’s bid to block California from setting its own strict emission standards. The automakers have backed the Trump administration’s proposal to prohibit individual emission standards by state, saying “The certainty of one national program, with reasonable, [...]


Campaign fundraiser Imaad Shah Zuberi was charged Tuesday with manipulating his records in order to prevent the discovery of his status as a foreign agent. Zuberi, who had previously donated $900,000 to Trump’s inaugural committee, pleaded guilty, stating that he had promised international clients higher profits by changing US foreign policy. The campaign fundraiser also [...]


The Alabama Department of Corrections publicly released its death penalty protocol Wednesday following an order from a federal judge. The 17-page document describes the procedures involved with the death penalty, along with information about post-execution responsibilities. The document also describes the materials used for the implementation of the lethal injection procedure, which include the chemicals [...]


Violence surrounding Afghanistan’s recent elections have resulted in 85 dead and 373 injured, according to a report from the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) published Wednesday. More than 200 injuries and 28 deaths occurred on election day, September 28, primarily at the hands of a Taliban extremist group. The attacks involved grenades and other [...]


US airstrikes in Afghanistan last May resulted in civilian casualties and violated international humanitarian law, the UN Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA) reported Wednesday. On May 4 the US Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A) completed airstrikes on buildings located in the Bakwa district, Farah province and the Nimroz province in Afghanistan. The air strikes were aimed at potential [...]


A lawsuit filed against Google by millions of iPhone users over data-collection was revived Wednesday by the UK Court of Appeals. The suit was filed by a group called “Google You Us,” led by plaintiff Richard Lloyd. Lloyd is seeking 3.2 billion pounds from the internet giant based on Google unlawfully obtaining personal information of [...]

geralt / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Tuesday allowed the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) net neutrality repeal to stand but found that states may make their own net neutrality regulations. “Despite the Commission’s failure to adequately consider the 2018 Order’s impact on public safety, pole-attachment regulation, and the Lifeline Program [...]

cmfg804 / Pixabay

US Representative Chris Collins (R-NY) resigned Monday afternoon after being accused of insider trading in a 2018 criminal complaint. Collins is accused of using his position as a board member of Innate Immunotherapeutics to provide insider information to members of his family. The complaint states that, “Christopher Collins, a member of Innate’s board of directors, [...]