The US Supreme Court denied certiorari in two cases Tuesday that dealt with federal maritime piracy law . The court denied Dire v. United States and Said v....
The US Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tuesday in Sebelius v. Auburn Regional Medical Center that 10-year-old final rulings for Medicare reimbursement cannot be appealed to the Department of...
The US Supreme Court on Friday granted what may be the final four cases it will hear this term. After being considered in conference eight times, the court granted Bond v. United States [cert....
The US Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in Lozman v. City of Riviera Beach that a houseboat permanently docked to land is not a vessel for purposes of 1 USC § 3 and...
The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two cases on Tuesday. The first, Levin v. United States concerned whether the Gonzales Act properly immunizes...
The US Supreme Court granted certiorari in six new cases on Friday. In Salinas v. Texas the court will consider the boundaries of the Fifth Amendment right to remain...
The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in two cases . In Gabelli v. Securities and Exchange Commission the court heard arguments on the statute of limitations under 28 USC § 2462 ...
The US Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Tuesday in the combined cases Ryan v. Gonzales and Tibbals v. Carter that there is no right to stay a federal habeas corpus proceeding until an...
The US Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Tuesday in Los Angeles County Flood Control District v. Natural Resources Defense Council that water flowing through a concrete channel from different points in the river...
The US Supreme Court heard arguments in two cases on Monday. The first, Descamps v. United States , concerned whether Matthew Descamps' burglary conviction under California law can allow a conviction under federal burglary...