The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) revealed Tuesday that it received documents confirming that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) used a "Mosque Outreach" program to gather intelligence on Muslim-American citizens ....
The US Supreme Court ruled 6-3 Wednesday in Vartelas v. Holder that the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) , a law designed to deny re-entry to immigrants who have committed...
The US Supreme Court denied certiorari Monday in Fields v. Smith , allowing a lower court decision that transgender hormone therapy is a medically necessary procedure to stand. The US Court...
The US Supreme Court ruled 8-1 Monday in MBZ v. Clinton that a citizen's ability to list Israel as a place of birth on a passport is not a political question [LII Cornell...
The US Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday in Credit Suisse Securities LLC v. Simmonds that normal statute of limitations tolling applies to insider trading cases. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ...
The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in Vasquez v. United States on whether the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit violated the Supreme Court's precedent on harmless...
The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled Monday in Discount Tobacco City & Lottery v. USA that graphic cigarette label warnings are constitutional. The court decided unanimously...
The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Monday in Astrue v. Capato on whether a child who was conceived after the death of a biological parent, but who cannot inherit personal...
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against Scott Lively, a US pastor with Abiding Truth Ministries , for enabling the anti-gay movement in Uganda . The...
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett signed a bill Wednesday to require photo identification from voters in the upcoming November election. The bill was passed earlier Wednesday in the House of Representatives [official...