One of the largest student loan companies Thursday agreed to a settlement that will forgive $1.85 billion in debt after allegations of widespread deceptive practices. 39 state attorney generals accused loan servicer Navient of encouraging students to enter into predatory forebearance instead of more affordable income-driven repayment plans. Forebearance allows borrowers to pause payments, but interest [...]

stevepb / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court Wednesday heard oral arguments in Boechler, P.C. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, a case concerning the time limit to file petitions with the US Tax Court to review Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determinations. On June 5, 2015, the IRS notified Boechler, P.C., a personal injury law firm in North Dakota, of [...]


The North Carolina Superior Court of Wake County Tuesday rejected claims by voting rights advocates that the 2021 redistricting maps passed by the North Carolina General Assembly were unconstitutional under the North Carolina Constitution. The case was a consolidation of multiple cases where plaintiffs collectively alleged that the 2021 districting plans for Congress, the North [...]


The Delhi police Sunday arrested Aumkareshwar Thakur, a Madhya Pradesh man who is the alleged creator of Sulli Deals, an app that provided photographs of Muslim women for auction without their consent. According to Deputy Commissioner of Police KPS Malhotra, Thakur was apprehended by the Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) of Delhi Police, brought into custody, [...]

Pexels / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Tuesday renewed a lawsuit against twenty-one medical equipment and pharmaceutical companies over allegations that their contracts with Iraq’s health ministry aided in funding terrorism that ultimately led to the death of American soldiers during the Iraq War. AstraZeneca, GE Healthcare USA Holding, Johnson [...]

© WikiMedia (Ken Lund)

A federal jury Wednesday found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty on five of six counts, including sex trafficking, in a case related to crimes she committed with Jeffrey Epstein, according to the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. Maxwell was on trial for recruiting and grooming four teenagers between 1994 and 2004 for [...]

© WikiMedia (Gage Skidmore)

Two Georgia election workers filed a complaint Thursday in the US District Court for the District of Columbia against Rudy Giuliani and One America News Network (“OAN”) for promoting claims that they engaged in election fraud during the vote-counting process in the state of Georgia during the 2020 presidential election. The suit surfaces from an [...]

mufidpwt / Pixabay

The United States Supreme Court Wednesday announced that it will be holding a special hearing next month to assess the legality of two federal mandates implemented by the Biden Administration mandating COVID-19 vaccines in the workplace. The hearing will cover cases involving two of the Biden Administration’s three federal vaccine mandates: the mandate issued by [...]


Spain’s Catholic Church Sunday opened an investigation into the alleged sex abuse of over a thousand children by members of their clergy dating back 80 years. The investigation will be carried out by the Spanish Bishops Conference, headed by Cardinal Juan Jose Omella, and will look into 251 priests across 31 religious orders and 31 [...]


Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin altered his not guilty plea to guilty Wednesday in a civil rights case tied to the death of George Floyd in Minnesota District Court.  On May 25, 2020, Chauvin and other officers responded to a 911 call by a store owner that Floyd, a Black male, tried using a counterfeit [...]