JURIST EXCLUSIVE – These are excerpts from the last full filing from our law student correspondents in Myanmar reporting to JURIST before Myanmar went into Internet blackout on Sunday: So many things can happen tonight. At night around 9 am, they send the prisoners who are just released into civilian towns to set fire or [...]
JURIST EXCLUSIVE – JURIST’s law student correspondents in Myanmar informed us early Sunday that Myanmar’s internet services are being cut off again as of 1:30 PM EST and will remain off until approximately 9:30 PM EST (9 AM Monday in Myanmar). Late Sunday in Myanmar, tanks and other military vehicles were seen in the streets [...]
JURIST EXCLUSIVE – JURIST law student correspondents in Myanmar Saturday reported multiple instances of miscreants invading neighborhoods at night after curfew in various Myanmar cities, damaging property, threatening citizens and even setting fires. They say that many of these individuals are prisoners released by the military government on Friday who are being sent in to [...]
JURIST EXCLUSIVE – In a declaration Saturday evening Myanmar time, the Myanmar military government announced that under emergency powers claimed in the wake of its February 1 coup, it was revoking key sections of the country’s citizen privacy law protecting basic freedoms. Among the revoked sections of the Law Protecting the Privacy and Security of [...]

JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Our law student correspondents in Myanmar continue to send reports of the latest developments on the ground, along with their perspectives and analysis of the legal issues presented by the February 1 military coup. This perspective focuses on our correspondent’s reaction to the Friday Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council [...]

JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Our law student correspondents in Myanmar continue to send reports of the latest developments on the ground, along with their perspectives and analysis of the legal issues presented by the February 1 military coup. This report examines the constitutionality of the military takeover under the 2008 Myanmar Constitution. It has been very [...]

The military government in Myanmar Friday ordered the mass release of over 23,000 prisoners in a move that concerned government opponents and international rights advocates who fear that the leaders of the February 1 military coup could be clearing room in the country’s detention centers for large numbers of political prisoners in the wake of [...]
JURIST EXCLUSIVE – One of our law student correspondents in Myanmar sends this update on the latest arrests of protesters and dissidents opposed to the new military government that seized power in the country in the February 1 coup: Right now, they’re targeting the lawyers. Dr. Ye Lwin (now former mayor of Mandalay city) is [...]

JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Tensions mounted in Myanmar early Friday morning Myanmar time as multiple reports circulated of protesters and opponents of the February 1 military coup being arrested on the street and in their homes after midnight. Many protesting doctors and members of the Myanmar Union Election Commission were said to have been taken into [...]
JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Young law students in Myanmar are defending democracy online and in public demonstrations as they resist the February 1 military takeover that deposed civilian Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Reaching out to a wide international public on social media, deploying video and graphics and using Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Signal and a [...]