BBC News is reporting that British police have released all four British detainees recently freed from Guantanamo Bay without charge. The four men were released from Guantanamo Bay to British officials on Tuesday and London Metropolitan Police...
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has topped a roster of potential nominees to replace Chief Justice William Rehnquist should he retire, according to the results of a Zogby poll released Wednesday. O'Connor garnered...
US House Committee on the Judiciary chairman James Sensenbrenner, Jr. introduced legislation Wednesday that contains provisions restricting terrorist travel that were dropped from the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 , which...
The Japanese Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the government can block foreigners from being promoted in public service jobs without violating the country's constitution . South Korean citizen Chong Hyang-gyun sued the Japanese government for the right...
Steven Hopper, lawyer for soon-to-be-released Australian Gitmo detainee Mamdouh Habib , has said that Habib has been subject to atrocities fit for a "vulgar concentration camp" while detained at Guantanamo Bay. Hopper said that interrogators...
Israeli security officials said Wednesday that Israel would suspend its targeted killings of Palestinian militants as part of its preparations for a cease-fire and a resumption of peace talks with the Palestinian Authority. Israel will not...
British Foreign Minister Jack Straw Wednesday unveiled the question voters will be asked in an upcoming referendum on the EU Constitution : Should the United Kingdom approve the treaty establishing a Constitution for the European Union?"...
The US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit has reinstated part of an obesity lawsuit against McDonald's , ruling that two New York children should be allowed to pursue their deceptive advertising claims. US District...
Lawsuits brought by three same-sex couples married in Massachusetts and Canada seeking to have their marriages recognized in Florida have been dropped because the plaintiffs do not want to risk having the US Supreme Court set precedent by rejecting...
AP is reporting that the US Senate has confirmed Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State by a vote of 85-13. Rice will be sworn in at the White House Wednesday night with a more elaborate swearing-in ceremony by President...