In a 2-1 decision issued early Wednesday morning, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit refused to order that Terri Schiavo's feeding tube be re-inserted. The appeals court agreed with the earlier...
Britain's Constitutional Affairs Secretary and Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer Monday unveiled a British government plan to strip the legal profession of its right to regulate itself, saying that the current system for handling complaints lacks transparency and...
Reaction to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's In Larger Freedom report outlining his plans to reform the UN has been mixed. Annan is calling for an expanded Security Council membership, the establishment of a new Human...
After over three hours of debate ending after midnight Monday morning, the US House of Representatives passed a bill that will allow a federal judge to conduct a de novo review of the Terri...
Shiite and Kurdish negotiators say they may need another week to hammer out the shape of a new Iraqi government as factions in Iraq's new National Assembly struggle to build a coalition that will satisfy the majority...
The United Nations' investigation into allegations of sexual abuse in the Democratic Republic of Congo has resulted in the firing of one employee and the suspension without pay of six other civilian workers. Overall, 17 civilian staff...
The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) threatened to remove itself from Guantanamo Bay interrogations due to the abuse of detainees in late 2002, forcing the Pentagon to review interrogation techniques approved by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld [official...
The Florida House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would block the withholding of food and water from patients in a persistent vegetative state when the patient did not leave specific instructions refusing artificial...
JPMorgan Chase & Co. agreed to a $2 billion settlement Wednesday in order to settle claims in a class action suit brought after WorldCom's collapse. The plaintiffs, WorldCom investors, have...
The US Department of Energy said Wednesday that government employees may have falsified documents related to Nevada's Yucca Mountain nuclear waste project. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said that, while preparing for a license...