A report released Monday by the Global Commission on Drug Policy recommends "no penalty whatsoever" for low-level possession and consumption drug offenses. The commission of 23, which includes former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan, Virgin Group founder...
OnMonday, The Becket Fund announced it had filed suit challenging a new Health and Human Services (HHS) regulation on behalf of North Dakota and several Catholic organizations. The suit, filed in federal district court...
The Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC) reached a peace agreement Saturday to end the guerrilla warfare that has been plaguing the country for more than five decades. Meeting in Havana, the two sides solidified a...
Voters in Washington, DC, on Tuesday voted overwhelmingly in favor of DC becoming the fifty-first US state. Advisory Referendum B asked voters if the DC Council should petition the US Congress to admit the state of "New Columbia"...
The UK has infringed upon the rights of disabled persons starting with welfare reforms in 2012 , according to a report issued Monday by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities . The...