Henry Wilkins-VOA // Public Domain

A group of 50 human rights organizations sounded the alarm Tuesday over the ongoing Sudan conflict’s severe humanitarian impact and called on the UN to take decisive action. The organizations released their statement as the UN Security Council met to discuss the ongoing situation in Sudan and South Sudan. The organizations are urging a unified approach [...]

© WikiMedia (Dmitry Ivanov)

The SHOT Telegram channel reported on Sunday that a case was opened on Thursday by the Russian Investigative Committee into Masha Gessen, a journalist from New York, who has been providing insights into the atrocities taking place during Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. The Russian-American journalist, writer, translator and activist Maria Gessen is currently [...]


UK Justice Secretary Alex Chalk announced Wednesday that the UK will enact new laws to force criminals to attend their sentencings in court, with offenders potentially being subject to longer sentences. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak commented saying “Criminals shouldn’t be allowed to take the coward’s way out by refusing to face their victims in court.” [...]

Slinkierbus268, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The UK government announced plans Thursday to allow chief constables and other senior officers greater authority to terminate rogue employees. Those who don’t pass background checks can also be fired. A finding of serious misconduct will result in a police officer’s immediate termination. An initial review of police dismissals began after the Baroness Casey review [...]


A German court affirmed the conviction of ISIS member “Jennifer W.” for aiding and abetting in committing crimes against humanity when she abused a five-year-old girl from the Yazidi religious minority, according to a press release from human rights organization Yazda. In addition to affirming her conviction, the Higher Regional Court of Munich also increased [...]


Switzerland’s Office of the Attorney General (OAG) announced Tuesday that it has formally charged former Algerian defense minister Khaled Nezzar in relation to war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed during the Algerian Civil War. In the indictment submitted to Switzerland’s Federal Criminal Court (FCC), prosecutors said “Nezzar is accused of violating the laws [...]

derwiki / Pixabay

The UK Prime Minister announced on Saturday that judges will be required under planned legislation to impose mandatory “whole life orders,” which prevent prisoners sentenced to life in prison from receiving parole, on people convicted of the “most horrific types of murder.” This means they will die in prison. In his statement, Prime Minister Rishi [...]

12019 / Pixabay

A new report on Thursday revealed that scores of women and girls in Ethiopia’s Tigray region were sexually assaulted, often by multiple men, after a peace agreement ended the conflict in the region. The report from Physicians for Human Rights and the Organization for Justice and Accountability in the Horn of Africa, along with a [...]

Voice of America News, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Amnesty International on Thursday called for the application of universal jurisdiction against members of the Taliban accused of crimes under international law. Universal jurisdiction in this case would give any country the ability to prosecute Taliban members for violations of international law. Amnesty International said on the platform X (Twitter), “The new UNAMA report demonstrates an [...]