Makalu / Pixabay

President Vahagn Khachaturian signed the Armenian parliament’s decision to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) into law on Sunday, placing the Caucasus country under the Hague-based institution’s jurisdiction despite warnings from its longtime ally Russia. This comes after Armenia stated it was considering ratifying the Rome Statute of the ICC on September 1st. A [...]


Taliban Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Abdul Qahar Balkhi announced Sunday that the de-facto Taliban authorities were suspending consular services at the Afghan embassies to Austria and the United Kingdom due to the diplomatic missions’ lack of coordination with Taliban leadership. However, both embassies appear to remain open. The Taliban’s announcement on X read, “Please note that [...]

Newmila, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Over 100 Israeli civilians were killed Saturday after Hamas fired rockets into Israel and scores of Hamas militants entered Israeli territory from Gaza, according to Israeli officials. The Palestinian Ministry of Health also reported that 198 Palestinians were killed after Israel conducted airstrikes on Gaza in response to the incursions. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) [...]

12019 / Pixabay

The EU expressed concern on Thursday over a decision by lawmakers in Bosnia’s autonomous Republika Srpska to pass a draft law that labels non-governmental organizations (NGOs) supported by foreign funding as “foreign agents.” Under the the Special Registry and Publicity of the Work of Non-Profit Organizations draft law, these NGOs will now be required to [...]


The United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine said on Monday that Russian occupiers tortured Ukrainians so brutally that some of their victims died, and forced families to listen as they raped women next door in their latest findings from the field, in its latest update. The UN-mandated body found widespread and systematic use of [...]

KaiPilger / Pixabay

The UK’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) announced Thursday it had arrested five Bulgarian nationals on suspicion of spying for Russia. In a statement, the CPS said the five will be charged with “conspiring to collect information intended to be directly or indirectly useful to an enemy for a purpose prejudicial to the safety and interest [...]

Lasse1974, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The UK High Court began hearing on Wednesday 16 legal challenges, filed mostly by victims’ families, against the recently enacted Northern Ireland (Troubles & Reconciliation) Act. The act, which grants amnesty to former soldiers and militants involved in an ethno-nationalist conflict in Northern Ireland known as the Troubles, became law on Tuesday when it received [...]

© WikiMedia (Yan Boechat/VOA)

Azerbaijan launched a military operation in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh on Tuesday, prompting humanitarian concerns from international observers, including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognized as a part of Azerbaijan, but it is also home to the Armenian-aligned breakaway state of Artsakh. Azerbaijan accused Armenian forces of planting [...]

Walkerssk / Pixabay

The Slovakian foreign ministry announced on Thursday that it had expelled a Russian diplomat suspected of violating the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which delineates the rights and responsibilities of diplomats. In a press release, the Slovakian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote that the diplomat’s actions were “thoroughly documented by the competent authorities of the [...]

Wagner Group // Telegram.

The UK announced Friday that it had officially proscribed the Wagner Group as a terrorist organization, making it an offense to “belong, or profess to belong, to a proscribed organisation in the UK or overseas.” The move comes several weeks after the government presented a bill containing the proscription to Parliament on September 6.   Despite [...]