James Joseph is JURIST’s UK Senior Editor and a Ph.D. student at King’s College London. In a letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Tuesday, former Home Secretary Suella Braverman launched a withering attack on the PM’s ability to uphold law and order, presenting the most pressing challenge to his premiership to date. This comes off [...]

smuldur / Pixabay

A group of Turkish mothers whose children were forcibly disappeared in the 1980s and 90s held a public vigil in Istanbul without police interference Saturday. This marks the first time the “Saturday Mothers” group has been allowed to proceed with such an event since police dispersed one of their demonstrations in 2018. The group’s vigils [...]


On Tuesday His Majesty King Charles III took part in The State Opening of Parliament,  a ceremonial event that marks the formal beginning of a new parliamentary session. It is a significant constitutional event in the United Kingdom, involving the monarch, Members of Parliament, and other dignitaries. During the State Opening, the reigning monarch delivers [...]


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed a bill that withdraws Russia as a signatory to the global nuclear test ban treaty. The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) is an international treaty aimed at banning all nuclear explosions on the Earth’s surface, in the atmosphere, underwater and underground. It was adopted by the United [...]

Voice of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Pakistani authorities began detaining undocumented foreign persons in the country on Wednesday, most of whom had come over the border from Afghanistan. This comes amid growing fear and concern for Afghans faced with the life or death decision of being sent back to Afghanistan and into the hands of Taliban authorities. In a statement, Pakistan’s [...]

Tumisu / Pixabay

The UK High Court on Friday allowed Boris Karpichkov, a former senior double agent of the KGB and now a British citizen, to pursue legal action against the National Crime Agency (NCA) over the disclosure of his new identity. Karpichkov had worked for the KGB in the Soviet Union before being recruited to operate in Latvia [...]

pdimaria / Pixabay

British Conservative MP Crispin Blunt announced Thursday that he had been arrested in connection with allegations of sexual misconduct. The MP for Reigate in Surrey, Southern England has been a Member of Parliament since 1997. He wrote on the platform X (formerly Twitter) to say, “I have now been interviewed twice in connection with this [...]

derwiki / Pixabay

A recent report published by two human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs), REDRESS and the Clooney Foundation, found, “The UK has deviated from its historical commitment to international justice.” The report went on to argue that the UK should reform its existing laws to allow for greater universal jurisdiction, clearing a path to bring more international [...]


Israeli Communications Minister Schloma Karhi announced Friday that Israel’s government approved regulations that give them powers to suspend the broadcasting of foreign news organizations during states of emergency. These powers will allow the government to suspend outlets, such as Al Jazeera, from operating during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war if the government believes they threaten national [...]

pdimaria / Pixabay

The UK Commons Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) published a report Thursday finding that the FCDO failed to protect UK national Matthew Hedges from torture in United Arab Emirates. This comes following a similar Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s verdict issued on August 3. The Foreign Affairs Committee’s report draws on the findings of the Parliamentary [...]