IGORN / Pixabay

Russia announced on Wednesday it withdrew from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe in a declaration that was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The purpose of the treaty was to limit the number of weapons and military equipment that signatory countries could hold, as well as provide provisions for the destruction of [...]

al_si / Pixabay

The UK Bar Council on Wednesday called on peers in the House of Lords to reject the “deeply flawed” Illegal Migration Bill. The second reading of the bill took place in the House of Lords this afternoon and saw the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby make representations as to the immorality of the bill. This [...]

Mariakray / Pixabay

Lawyers in Aberdeen, Scotland Monday stated they will join a boycott of plans to pilot rape trials without juries in Scotland. The Aberdeen Bar Association branded the proposal, contained in the Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill, “a danger” and accused the Scottish government of “political meddling.” Aberdeen is expected to be joined by lawyers [...]


The UK government announced Thursday the introduction of new police powers to stop slow-walking protests, set to take effect on May 3, 2023. The Home Office said that the new measures “will ensure hardworking everyday people will no longer be collateral damage to disruptive protests,” but the measures would restrict the tactics notable activist organizations [...]

ReelNews, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Steve Barclay Thursday welcomed a High Court decision which found that the Royal College of Nursing’s (RCN) strike scheduled for May 2 is illegal. The decision comes only a few days after Barclay announced he would take legal action to prevent the strike.  In a statement [...]

© WikiMedia (Alarichall)

The UK Parliament Wednesday passed the Public Order Bill, which is set to become law. According to the government, the bill “protects the fundamental right to protest,” as well as “brings new penalties for disruptive and dangerous so-called ‘guerrilla tactics’” whilst “reducing delays to the law-abiding majority.” However, Amnesty International UK’s Military, Security and Police [...]

Evgeny / Pixabay

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s spokesperson announced Tuesday that Russian authorities opened a criminal case against Navalny for removing another prisoner from his cell. Navalny’s team called the situation a “provocation” and said that Navalny was previously warned about a potential set-up. In a series of tweets posted Tuesday, Navalny’s spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, explained that [...]


The European Committee of Social Rights said in a statement Monday that they found France in violation of the European Social Charter over the country’s failure to implement accessibility regulations to aid citizens with disabilities. The statement says they found against France: because of the failure of the authorities to adopt effective measures within a reasonable [...]

995645 / Pixabay

A joint statement issued Tuesday on behalf of three UN Special Rapporteurs joined previous condemnation in saying that the UK is failing to  “abide by its core obligations under international human rights law” over its approach to migrant children arriving in the country. The rapporteurs say that UK government policy has led to unaccompanied child [...]