Last Wednesday the UK Parliament held its first-ever debate dedicated to genocide against the Hazaras, a mainly Shia Muslim community in Afghanistan and Pakistan often targeted for their Asiatic features and Mongolian heritage. In the session, held in the Grand Committee Room of Westminster Hall, Paul Bristow, MP for Peterborough and Chair of the All-Party [...]


Police Scotland announced on Sunday that former first minister Nicola Sturgeon was arrested in relation to party finances. In the statement they said that “a 52-year-old woman has today, ​Sunday, 11 June, 2023, been arrested as a suspect in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party. The [...]

al_si / Pixabay

The UK Parliament’s Human Rights Committee on Sunday condemned the country’s proposed Illegal Migration Bill in their latest report and urged the government “not to breach its legal obligations to refugees, children and victims of modern slavery, and to play its part in the global system of refugee protection.” Government officials have claimed the bill [...]

derwiki / Pixabay

UK Minister for Security Tom Tugendhat updated Parliament on Tuesday about Chinese “overseas police service stations” on commitments made in parliamentary statements last November and reiterated by Minister for Crime, Policing and Fire Chris Philp in April. Tugendhat told Parliament that the UK has ordered China to close any remaining so-called “police stations” on UK soil, [...]

Moritz 2011, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The UK Metropolitan Police Service confirmed Monday that they charged a conservative member of the UK’s Parliament (MP), Bob Stewart, with two public order offenses. Stewart is charged with racially-aggravated speech in relation to statements he made at an incident outside of a Bahraini embassy event in 2022. Police charged Stewart with “sing threatening or [...]


A new Code of Practice for UK Police came into effect Saturday that will ensure officers document hate incidents that do not constitute crimes only when absolutely necessary. The new law introduces a threshold whereby, once reached, police must record the personal information of someone for a non-crime hate incident. The new code of practice [...]


The International Bar Association (IBA) adopted a resolution on Saturday calling for the creation of a Special Tribunal to try Russia for crimes of aggression in Ukraine. The IBA resolution condemns Russia’s war of aggression, affirms the IBA’s support for Ukrainian sovereignty, and urges UN member states to establish and international criminal tribunal for Russian leaders. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine [...]


NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly passed a declaration Monday stating that Russia’s forced deportation of children from occupied regions of Ukraine potentially amounts to genocide. The resolution specifically mentions the accusation that Russian authorities forcibly transported Ukrainian children to Russia after the 2022 Russian invasion and notes that: the forcible transfer of children from one group to [...]


Metropolitan Police Service Chief Sir Mark Rowley on Thursday accused the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) of failing victims by ‘cherry-picking easy cases’ to fast-track through courts. The CPS reacted by saying the comments “risk damaging public confidence.” In the London Evening Standard newspaper, Sir Rowley said that a “big effort was needed to reform the [...]


UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Tuesday called for changes to international law regarding migration that experts think government will break by allowing UK ministers to ignore rulings from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Sunak is scheduled to meet with heads of the EU and the ECHR in Iceland to discuss the changes. Sunak’s [...]