Pittsburgh rapper, Jamal Knox, lost his appeal with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which ruled Tuesday that his song threatening police officers was not protected under the First Amendment. Officer Michael Kosko and Detective Daniel Zeltner of the Pittsburgh Police were both scheduled to testify against Knox after he was arrested in 2012 on multiple charges, [...]

© WikiMedia (Spc. Cody Black)

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Tuesday denied a Guantanamo detainee’s habeas petition for release. Moath Hamza Ahmed al-Alwi has been detained at Guantanamo since 2002, following Congress giving the President power to detain those who are a threat to national security. He had ties to al Qaeda and [...]

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A judge in the UK’s high court ruled Wednesday that there were grounds for a dissolution of a religious marriage that was not recognized by British law. The wife filed for divorce against her husband in 2016, alleging there were grounds for her to claim some of the assets, all of which were in her [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein  expressed concern Wednesday over human rights violations in English-speaking regions of Cameroon. The government of Cameroon has denied the human rights office access to these regions. According to the commissioner’s statement, what started as protests in 2016 have devolved into armed elements against government forces, [...]


A federal judge on Wednesday rejected US President Donald Trump’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that Trump is violating the Constitution by doing business with foreign governments. This lawsuit was brought forward in June 2017, when the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia accused Trump of violating the foreign and domestic [...]

©Pixabay (Alex Van)

Amnesty International released a statement Monday urging the Russian Government to protect Russian Lawyer Irina Biryukova, who fled the country after receiving threats following the release of a video showing her detained client being tortured. In the video, guards are shown performing inhumane acts and are said to now be allegedly plotting revenge against Biryukova for leaking the [...]