© WikiMedia (Alec Perkins)

The US Supreme Court handed a narrow victory Monday to a Colorado baker who had refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple citing his religious beliefs. The court ruled in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission that the commission violated the First Amendment’s free exercise clause in assessing the cakeshop [...]

© WikiMedia (Hans-Jürgen Hübner)

The US Supreme Court on Monday vacated and remanded the Washington State Supreme Court ruling for the Lundgren family in Upper Skagit Indian Tribe v. Lundgren . The Upper Skagit Indian Tribe had purchased a 40-acre plot of land. After a survey of the land, they believed that an acre of their property was fenced [...]

© WikiMedia (Matt Wade)

The US Supreme Court ruled 6-3 Monday in McCoy v. Louisiana that a defense lawyer cannot admit a client’s guilt over the client’s objection, even when the lawyer believes this is the client’s best chance of avoiding the death penalty. The case arose after Robert McCoy’s defense counsel conceded guilt, despite McCoy’s express objection, because [...]