US Senator John Kerry (D-MA) called on the White House Friday to release the complete file of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts during the time he served in two Republican administrations. Democrats are seeking the...
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has violated the 1974 Privacy Act by collecting personal information on nearly 250,000 people without their knowledge, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released Friday. Congressional...
Former CEO of HealthSouth Corp. Richard Scrushy petitioned a judge Thursday to terminate the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) civil suit against him for corporate fraud charges since he was acquitted of criminal...
Fifty-two detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp are protesting their detentions and allegedly inhumane treatment by refusing meals, according to a statement released Thursday by the naval base's Joint Task Force . The prisoners have so far...
London police arrested two men Thursday as suspects in the noon hour attacks on a bus and three subway trains . Officials said one of the men was arrested near the home of Prime Minister Tony Blair [official...
Saddam Hussein on Thursday questioned why he only has access to his lawyer during interrogation sessions before judges investigating the charges against him. In a new released videotape of Saddam, he asked Judge Munir Haddad, "The lawyer only sees...
US Senators Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced a bill Tuesday which could force millions of illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States to leave. The proposed bill includes the...
The Senate Tuesday delayed a floor debate on the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2005 which proposes giving native Hawaiians self-governance privileges . The Akaka bill is sponsored by US Senators Daniel Inouye...
An Egyptian Interior Ministry report has concluded that there are no links between detained chemist Magdi al-Nashar and the al-Qaeda suspects responsible for the bombings in London. Nashar was arrested in Cairo last week as part of...
TIME magazine reporter Matthew Cooper said Sunday in an article he has written on his grand jury testimony that Dick Cheney's chief of staff Lewis Libby contributed information to the story revealing the identity of Valerie...