12019 / Pixabay

The Civil Liberties Union for Europe (Liberties) published its Liberties Rule of Law Report 2024 on Monday, in which the organization raised concerns about the declining state of the rule of law and weakening democratic checks and balances across the EU. Liberties, headquartered in Berlin, is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes civil liberties for [...]


The Greek Parliament passed Saturday its foreign university bill, allowing foreign private non-profit universities to establish branches in the country for the first time. The bill, titled Strengthening the Public University – Framework for the Operation of Non-profit Branches of Foreign Universities, allows for the establishment of non-profit foreign universities after evaluation and certification by [...]

Pixelkult / Pixabay

Canada’s government on Monday proposed draft legislation, known as Bill C-63, which aims to combat online hate and promote online safety through the enactment of the Online Harms Act. Bill C-63 also includes amendments to the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act. The Online Harms Act, a key component of Bill C-63, proposes [...]

Pexels / Pixabay

The eldest son of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the governing party’s presidential candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, reported receiving threats and insults Saturday after their phone numbers were leaked. José Ramón López Beltrán, Obrador’s son, addressed the issue on X (formerly Twitter). He highlighted the invasion of privacy and its potential danger to his [...]

Syced, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

A previously unknown Greek anarchist group, “Armed Response,” claimed responsibility Monday for an attempted bomb attack against a judge earlier this month. The incident occurred at a courthouse in Thessaloniki, and explosive experts defused the parcel bomb before it caused any harm. The statement released by the group criticized the work of judicial officers, alleging [...]

jorono / Pixabay

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on Monday called for a thorough investigation into the deaths of at least 10 people from a shooting that occurred in Tripoli. The victims included two members of the Stabilization Support Apparatus (SSA): Mohamed Fathi Shanish and Musab Al-Mukhtar Al-Dabaa. The SSA is an armed faction in [...]

JStolp / Pixabay

Human Rights Watch (HRW) published a report on Tuesday saying Hungary’s interference with media freedom and pluralism harms the rule of law. The report, titled “‘I Can’t Do My Job as a Journalist’: The Systematic Undermining of Media Freedom in Hungary,” outlines the obstacles faced by independent journalists and media under the leadership of Prime [...]

Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek Saab confirmed on Sunday the arrest and detention of Rocío San Miguel, a prominent human rights activist and leader of the NGO Control Ciudadano, for alleged involvement with a conspiracy to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro. Saab announced on X (formerly Twitter) that a warrant had been issued for San Miguel’s arrest. [...]

© WikiMedia (LightPhoenix)

Singapore passed a bill on Monday that allows for the indefinite holding of “dangerous offenders” even after they complete their jail sentences. Under the Sentence for Enhanced Public Protection (SEPP) law, individuals convicted of serious violent offenses, like culpable homicide and attempted murder or serious sexual offenses such as rape and sexual penetration of a [...]

Konevi / Pixabay

Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Monday called for due process and fairness in the case of Dinara Smailova, a prominent women’s rights advocate in Kazakhstan. HRW expressed concerns that the charges brought against Smailova may be a form of retaliation for her work and an attempt to silence her activism. Smailova is currently facing multiple [...]