jackmac34 / Pixabay

Racism and intolerance towards minorities have risen for the second consecutive year in France, according to a report published Thursday by the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH). The 34th annual report on racism, anti-semitism and xenophobia found that the tolerance index declined by three points between November 2022 and November 2023, standing [...]

Jon Rawlinson, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Human Rights Watch in a piece for Newsweek called for the US to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for human rights abuses on Monday, as the US reportedly prepares to lift its ban on the sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia. The weapons ban, which was imposed by the US in February of 2021 responded to [...]

Scott W., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

South Australia’s Supreme Court of Appeal rejected Australian Taxation Office (ATO) whistleblower Richard Boyle’s appeal to secure immunity from prosecution under section 10(1)(a) of Australia’s Federal Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Act on Wednesday. Boyle was prosecuted upon blowing the whistle on alleged unethical debt recovery practices at the ATO. He disclosed these debt recovery practices [...]


Greece denied accusations of forced returns of migrants made by the BBC at a press briefing on Monday. BBC alleged that the Greek coastguard’s brutality towards migrants resulted in the deaths of 43 migrants within three years from May 2020 to May 2023, in a report released on Monday. The BBC report analyzed 15 incidents [...]

Vityavo, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Employees of Slovakia’s public radio and television broadcaster, Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS), went on a three-hour walkout strike Monday to protest against government plans to overhaul the broadcasting service in a manner that they say allows the government to insert influence on news and other media content. Monday’s walkout, the first-ever strike by RTVS [...]

Shakko, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Russia’s foreign ministry announced on Monday that it added a number of British politicians and journalists to Russia’s list of people banned from entering Russia. The names and number of people subject to the new entry ban are unknown. According to Russia’s foreign ministry, the new entry bans are a response to hostility from the [...]


Australia’s Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights published a report on Thursday calling for establishing a federal human rights act. The recommendation is the result of the committee’s inquiry, which began in March 2023, into the scope and effectiveness of Australia’s current human rights legislation. The committee was made up of 104 civil society organizations [...]


The Philippines protested China’s imposition of a unilateral, four-month fishing ban in the South China Sea, its Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) stated in a press release on Monday. The ban has been imposed annually since 1999 and is expected to last until September 16 this year. Calling on China to “cease and desist from [...]


Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 422 on Thursday allowing Russia to seize US assets to compensate for damages resulting from Russian assets seized in the US. This decree comes as a response to the US enactment of the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act which came into force on April 24, [...]